Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

AAI Recruitment for 180 Jr. Assistant Posts 2020 : Latest Govt Jobs in India

AAI Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs for 180 Jr Assistants

AAI (Airports Authority of India) is a Government of India Public Sector Enterprise. AAI has been conferred upon with the Mini Ratna Category - I Status. AAI Recruitment department is inviting job applications, through the official website of the Airports Authority of India. In this Sarkari Job portal news we are going to discuss the AAI Jr. Assistant Recruitment process.

Only those candidates are eligible to apply, who have appeared for GATE 2019 and are also meeting the eligibility criteria for filling up the following vacancies, on a regular basis through Direct Recruitment. An open advertisement for Jr Assistant job profile in which all Indian candidates can apply. In this Govt Job Portal news, we are going to discuss the vacancy details, eligibility criteria, salary, and How to apply for this Airports Authority of India Jr Assistant jobs. Read the complete employment news carefully before applying online for this AAI Recruitment 2020.

AAI Recruitment 2020  Govt Jobs for 180 Jr Assistants

Basic Information about this AAI Recruitment 2020
Designation Name: Junior Assistant.

The number of Vacacnies:180 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.40,000 – Rs.1,40,000 per month.

SBI Circle Based Officer Vacancy 2020 : Bank Jobs for 3850 Circle Officers

SBI Circle Based Officer Vacancy 2020

Bank Jobs for 3850 Circle Officers

Here we are going to share the brief Information related to the SBI Circle Based Officer recruitment process. Latest Bank job opportunity for Indian candidates who are looking for a banking career in India. State Bank of India (SBI) has published an advertisement on its official website which contains the completed information related to these SBI bank jobs in India.

There are a total of 3850 vacant positions for the designation of Circle officers in various branches of SBI all over India which are going to be filled up through this SBI Circle officers recruitment process. More information related to this SBI recruitment process is given below in this Govt Job Portal news. Read the full news shared by Sarkari job portal channel before applying online for the SBI jobs 2020.

SBI Circle Based Officer Vacancy 2020

Designation Name: Circle Based Officers (CBO)

Number of Vacancies: 3850 Posts

Bihar Police Forester Recruitment 2020 : 12th Pass Govt Jobs in India

Bihar Police Forester Recruitment 2020
12th Pass Govt Jobs in India

Bihar Police Recruitment department issued an open advertisement for the selection of the applicants for the forester job profile. Latest Govt Jobs in India for 12th pass candidates in the Science stream only. Bihar Police recruitment department is inviting job applications for filling up the vacant job profiles under the Forest department of Bihar Government.  

Bihar Police department is going to fill up a total of 236 Forester Vacancy through this recruitment process. More information related to these 12th pass Govt jobs in India is given below in this Jobs Portal news. Read the full employment news shared by Sarakri job portal before applying online for these Govt jobs in India 2020.

Bihar Police Forester Recruitment 2020

Basic Information about this Bihar Police Forester Vacancy 2020
Designation Name: Forester.

Number of Vacancies: 236 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.29,200 -Rs.92,300 per Month.

Re-Schedule of all Pending SSC Exams - NEW EXAM DATES FOR SSC EXAMS

SSC Recruitment Department NOTICE
Re-Schedule of all Pending SSC Exams

Hello, welcome back to the Govt job Portal for all latest employment updates. Today in this Jobs Portal update we are not going to share any employment news, this update is all about the rescheduling of SSC Examination 2020 due to COVID-19. We are sharing the latest notice shared by the SSC Recruitment department under the IMPORTANT LINK section.

The notice is all about the Re-scheduling the written examination. SSC Recruitment department issued an official notification in which they are mentioning the detail related to the pending SSC examination and also shared the new dates related to those examinations. Those candidates who have applied for one of these examinations must check this Sarkari Job portal news carefully to know the new dates related to the written examination.

In view of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic situation, the Staff Selection Commission has decided to re-schedule its pending examinations. The revised tentative schedules of the examinations will be as per the details given below:
Re-Schedule of all Pending SSC Exams

ICMR-NIV Recruitment 2020 : Govt Jobs for Clerk, Data Entry Operators & Other Posts

ICMR-NIV Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs for Clerk, Data Entry Operators & Other Posts

ICMR recruitment department is looking to fill up the vacant positions in their National Institute of Virology. NIV department issued an open advertisement (Advt. No. : 01/NIV/Admn/ Contract/2020-21) in which they are inviting all Indian candidates to apply for this ICMR Vacancy 2020.

There are a total of 45 vacant positions for different designations that are going to be filled up through this ICMR Recruitment process. The various designation which is going to be filled up are: “Technician, Junior Clerk, Data Entry Operator & Various other profiles which we mentioned below in the table. Applicants who have passed in their 10th, 12th class and those who have a Diploma are eligible to apply for these Govt jobs in India.

More information related to this ICMR Recruitment process is given below in this Sarkari Job portal news. Read the full employment news carefully before applying for these Govt jobs. The process for applying these ICMR vacancies is offline.

ICMR Recruitment 2020