Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant Exam 2020 : Central Armed Police Forces 209 Assistant Commandant Vacancy

 UPSC Assistant Commandant Exam 2020

Central Armed Police Forces Assistant Commandant Vacancy

Shared By: WWW.GovtJobsPortal.IN


UPSC Assistant Commandant Exam Notification 2020 is out. Applicants who are looking for the UPSC Recruitment related to the Assistant Commandant posts under central Armed Police forces, their wait is over now.   UPSC Recruitment department is inviting Govt job application for the posts of Assistant Commandants. There are a total of 209 Vacancies which are going to be filled up through this UPSC Recruitment process.


More information related to this UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant exams is given below in this Sarkari Job Portal news.  We are going to explain all the details such as eligibility criteria, pay scale and How to apply for this UPSC Assistant Commandant Exam 2020. Read the full employment news carefully before applying online for this UPSC Assistant Commandant recruitment process 2020.


upsc assistant Commandant Exam 2020

Basic Information about this UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant Exam 2020 Notification

Department Name: Central Armed Police Forces


Designation Name: Assistant Commandant


Number of Vacancies: 209 Posts.


OSSC Soil Conservation Extension Worker Recruitment 2020 - 12th Pass Govt Jobs

 OSSC Soil Conservation Extension Worker Vacancy 2020

12th Pass Govt Jobs

Shared By: WWW.GovtJobsPortal.IN


Today we are coming up with new employment news related to the OSSC Recruitment for Conservation Extension Worker. We are also going to share OSSC Soil Conservation Extension Worker Salary along with the number of vacancies. Applicants who are looking to apply for these Govt Jobs in Odisha state must read the full employment news carefully before applying online.


Staff selection commission recruitment department is looking to fill up the vacant posts of Soil Conservation Extension Worker through this Recruitment process. There are a total of 201 vacant positions that are going to be filled up after the completion of this OSSC Recruitment 2020. In this employment news, we are going to share OSSC Soil Conservation Extension Worker eligibility criteria, Salary, and process for applying. Applicants have to apply online for these Government jobs in Odisha state before 15 September 2020. Please go through the complete news carefully shared by Sarkari Job Portal before applying for this OSSC Soli Conservation Extension Worker recruitment.


govt jobs in odisha

Basic information about this OSSC Soil Conservation Extension Worker Recruitment 2020

Designation Name: Soil Conservation Extension Worker.

Number of Vacancies: 201 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.9000 per month.


NFR 4499 Apprentice Recruitment 2020 : Govt Jobs for Apprentice Posts in Indian Railways

 NFR Apprentice Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs for 4499 Apprentice Posts

Shared By: WWW.GovtJobsPortal.IN


Latest Govt Jobs for Apprentice Posts in India. Indian Railways recruitment department is looking to recruit fresher candidates for Act apprentice posts. Northeast Frontier Railways issues an official notification on their website in which they mentioned about these Govt jobs for Apprentice posts. On the basis of that PDF file, we are going to share this employment news here in this Sarkari Job Portal channel.


NFR Apprentice Recruitment department is inviting all Indian candidates for filling up the vacant positions of 4499 Act Apprentice posts. Latest Government jobs in India for ITI pass candidates. Those who are wishing to apply for these ITI jobs in India can apply online before 15 September 2020. More information related to this Northeast Frontier railways recruitment is given below in this article. Read the full employment news carefully before applying for these Govt Jobs for Act Apprentice Posts.


NFR Apprentice Recruitment 2020

Basic Information About this NFR Apprentice Recruitment 2020

Designation name: Act Apprentice.


Number of Vacancies: 4499 Posts.


Pay Band: As per the Apprentices Act 1961.

Bihar Police SI Recruitment 2020 : Govt Jobs for 1998 Sub Inspector Posts in UP Police

 Bihar Police SI Recruitment 2020

1998 Sub Inspector Posts in UP Police

Shared By: WWW.GovtJobsPortal.IN

Bihar Police SI Recruitment 2020 notification is out today on 14th Aug. 2020. In this Govt Job portal news, we are going to share the basic info related to this Bihar Police SI Recruitment process.

Hello, dear job aspirants, here we are coming up with a piece of the great bulletin for all the contenders who are looking for the officer level Govt jobs in Bihar. A piece of employment news has been published on the Bihar Police official website. Bihar police said that they are going to recruit fresher candidates in POLICE department for Sub Inspector job profile.  There are a total of 1998 vacant positions for Sub Inspector job profile which are going to be filled up through this Bihar Police SI Recruitment process 2020.

All the applicants who had been waiting to apply for the Bihar Police SI Recruitment will be able to apply online directly through the official link that is going to share below in this Sarkari Job Portal news. Read the complete employment news carefully before applying online for this Bihar Police SI recruitment process 2020.

Bihar Police SI Recruitment 2020

GATE Notification 2021 is Out : Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2021

 GATE Notification 2021 is Out


Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2021


Shared By: WWW.GovtJobsPortal.IN


GATE Exam 2021 notification is out on 13st August 2020. IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Bombay has issued a notice related to the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2021. Those Applicants who are concerned with this GATE 2021 Notification must read this Govt Job Portal news carefully to know about various terms and conditions. In this Sarkari Job Portal news, we are going to share about the vacancy details & completed eligibility criteria related to the GATE Exam 2021. You have to read the complete employment news carefully before applying for the GATE Exam 2021.


Entrance Exam: GATE Exam ( Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering )


GATE Notification 2021

What are the Eligibility Conditions for applying GATE 2021 Exam?

Educational Qualification: Applicants having a Graduation degree in one of the following streams: “Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/ Science/ Commerce/ Arts, MBBS, Master Degree (Arts/Science/Mathematics/Statistics/ Computer Applications)”.

How much is the Application Fee for applying GATE Examination 2021?

Applicants have to pay the application fee from 14th Sept. 2020 to 30th Sept. 2020. The application fee for applying GATE exam 2021 FOR VARIOUS CASTS IN India as follow:

·       SC/ ST/ PwD/ Female: Rs. 750/-

·       All Other Categories Rs. 1500/-

During the Extended Period of the application fee from 01st Oct. to 07th Oct. 2020 is as follow:

·       SC/ ST/ PwD/ Female: Rs. 1250

·       All Other Categories: Rs. 2000/-

Method of Payment: Applicants have to pay the application fee by using the online method: “Debit/ Credit card/ Net Banking”.

Courses after 12th Commerce

Courses After 12th Science

Courses After 12th Arts


14TH Sept. 2020 is the Start Date to Apply online for GATE Exam 2020.

30th Sept. 2020 is the Last Date for Applying.

Extended Closing Date of Online application: 7th Oct. 2020.



Important Dates

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Apply Online (Link will be live on 14th Sept. 2020)