Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

ECIL Apprentice Recruitment 2020 : Govt Jobs for 285 ITI Apprentice (ITI Apprentice Vacancy)

 ECIL Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2020

ITI Apprentice Vacancy

Latest Government Jobs in India for ITI Apprentice posts. ECIL Recruitment department issued an advertisement in a PDF format containing the full information related to this ITI Apprentice vacancy. We are going to share this Sarkari job portal news, on the basis of that PDF file only. All the rights of the information which we are going to share in this news go to that PDF file only. We have also shared the official PDF link below under the IMPORTANT LINK section.

ECIL recruitment department is inviting Government job application for filling up 285 ITI Apprentice vacant posts.  This is a great opportunity for the applicants who are looking for the Govt jobs in India after passing out in their ITI trade. More information related to this ECIL recruitment process such as the eligibility criteria, pay scale, and How to apply for ECIL ITI Trade Apprentice vacancy” is given below in this employment news. Read the complete employment news carefully before applying for this ITI Apprentice vacancy 2020.


Basic Info about this ECIL ITI Apprentice Vacancy 2020

Designation Name: ITI Trade Apprentice.

Number of Vacancies: 285 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.7700 – Rs.8050 per Month.

SEBI Officer Grade A 2020 Notification - SEBI 147 Assistant Manager Recruitment (Last Date 30 Oct. 2020)

SEBI Officer Grade A 2020 Recruitment Notification

147 Assistant Manager Posts under SEBI 2020

SEBI Recruitment for Officer Grade A posts in India 2020. The Securities and Exchange Board of India is looking to recruit candidates for officer job profiles under the various streams. SEBI Grade A 2020 notification is one of the most awaited recruitment notification among the fresher Graduates. SEBI recruitment board is inviting job application for filling up the vacant posts of Assistant Manager (Officer Grade A) in Delhi. The department announces that there is a total of 147 vacant positions for Assistant Manager designation which are going to be filled up through this SEBI Recruitment process 2020.

More information related to this SEBI Grade A 2020 notification is given below in this employment news. Applicants who have completed their Graduation, Post Graduate and B.E./B.Tech pass candidates can apply online for this SEBI Officer Grade A Recruitment 2020. In this news below we are going to explain about “SEBI Assistant Manager Salary, eligibility criteria and How to apply for this Securities and Exchange Board of India Officer Grade A recruitment”. So read the complete news before applying online for these Govt jobs in India. 

PGCIL Apprentice Recruitment for 33 Executive Posts : Government Jobs for MBA Freshers

 PGCIL Apprentice Recruitment 2020

Jobs for MBA Freshers

Government Jobs for MBA freshers who are looking to make their career under PowerGrid Corporation India Limited. PGCIL recruitment department issued an official notification in which they mentioned these Government Jobs for MBA students. There are a total of 33 vacant positions for Executive (HR) posts which are going to be filled up through this PGCIL Apprentice Recruitment process. More information about these Govt Jobs for MBA freshers is given below in this employment news. Applicants have to apply online for these Government jobs in India before 31 August 2020.


In this Sarkari Job Portal news, we are going to explain about the following facts: “eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply PGCIL Apprentice recruitment”. Read the complete employment news carefully before applying for these Jobs for MBA Freshers 2020.

 Courses after 12th Commerce 

jobs for mba freshers

NRA CET 2020: National Recruitment Agency Common Eligibility Test (Single Prelims Exam all Over India)

 NRA CET Approved by Government of India


Shared By: WWW.GovtJobsPortal.IN


The Government of India is going to take a common prelims exam for the non-gazetted job profiles in the central government. Last Day on 19th August 2020 Government has decided to conduct a Common Eligibility Test (CET) in place of prelims exams for all the government departments like IBPS, SSC, Railways, and other exams. The score of the CET exam is used to choose the applicants for the advanced level of the exam by the different administrations for select applicants for the posts. This is a Common Entrance Test for the applicants who are looking for Government Jobs in India.


Applicants who passed in this entrance then their test scores will be valid for a period of the next 3 years. The common entrance test will be conducted 2 times in a year by the National recruitment agency(NRA). The common Entrance test is going to help all the aspirants, as they have no need to fill-up different application forms and different application fees for the different entrance examinations. Applicants who are willing to serve the government of India now have to prepare for a single exam. 


CET 2020: Cabinet Approve Setting-Up of NRA (19th Aug. 2020)

The Union Cabinet has given permission for the arrangement of NRA (National Recruitment Agency) to restructure the hiring process by conducting a CET in India 2020. The NRA (National Recruitment Agency) will be Authorise agency to conduct CET every year.


Important Points Related to this NRA CET 2020:

The Prelims exam will be conducted all over India in total of 12 different languages.

The Common Entrance Test score is valid for the next 3 years.

The CET exam will be conducted 2 times in a year.


NRA CET 2020

National Recruitment Agency (NRA)

A National Recruitment Agency(NRA) is a projected agency by the Government of India. The government of India has decided to conduct a single computer-based preliminary exam for all the non-gazetted government jobs in India. The National Recruitment agency is going to screen all the actions related to the CET. Presently, applicants have to appear in different Prelims examination by paying different application fee amount. Due to this test, all eligible applicants have to appear in a Single Computer-based test by paying a single application fee amount. The old process is very time consuming and a long process. The government is trying to shorten the exam process for over 2.5 crore applicants all over India. Due to the Common Entrance Test applicants don't have to prepare for each preliminary examination again and again.


Exams To Be Included Under CET 2020

All the old prelims exams of Group B and C posts will be included in a single CET. The NRA (National Recruitment Agency) will firstly aim at swapping the prelims exams of Group B and C posts conducted by three different government agencies as follow:

Preliminary Exam to be replaced by NRA CET:

Staff Selection Commission (SSC).

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB).

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS).

Earlier applicants have to give different preliminary examination of all these three agencies differently.


Test Centres in India for NRA CET 2020

Good news for all the pupils who belong to a remote location of India that there will be at least one or more exam centres in every district of India depending on the students appearing for the CET exam. All Indian candidates who are preparing for the Government Jobs need not go too far places to attempt the exam. This step will reduce the expenditures of poor applicants in terms of examination fees, traveling charges, lodging, and other costs for appearing in different exams.


Time Utilization due to this National Recruitment Agency CET 2020

We have already mentioned above that there will be a single prelims exam for all the Group B and C posts under the Government of India. The CET exam score is going to valid for the next upcoming 3 years. The other recruitment Agencies for the Mains examination will use the score of CET which means if you cleared the CET examination you have to prepare for the MAINS examination for the next three years. Means you can utilize your time in a better way to crack MAINS Exam. There are few organizations under the Government of India saying that they will directly recruit candidates using the CET score, Physical and Medical examination, without any second-level test.


What is the Age Limit for Applying the NRA CET 2020?

The Applicants age for the Common Entrance Test 2020 totally depends on the exam in which they are wishing to appear. Actually, there will be total of 3 levels of exams conducted by the NRA. These three-level Exams are as follow:

1.    Undergraduate CET Exam.

2.    12th level Pass CET Exam.

3.    10th level Pass CET Exam.

The Age bond for appearing in these exams will be same as it is now for each exam.


KEY POINTS Related to the NRA CET Exam:

 The Common Eligibility Test will be a prelims exam that will be held 2 times in a year.

NRA(National Recruitment Agency) will be an independent body to conduct the Common entrance test.

Applicants have to pay one-time application fee charge for the CET exam.

There will be a Single online prelims exam.

The Common Eligibility Test score will be valid for the next 3 years.

 The applicant's CET score will be shared to all the central government recruiting agencies for the MAINS exam.

Candidates have 2 chances in a Year to progress his or her scores to be taken into consideration.

In India, every district will have at least one exam centre.


What will be the CET Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2020?

There is no clear exam pattern and syllabus for the CET yet. The CET exam pattern and syllabus will be restructured as soon as it is released by the National Recruitment Agency. As per the assumption, there will be different exam pattern and syllabus for the graduate, senior secondary, and secondary level exams. Applicants are counseled to keep in touch with the website for all the updates regarding the CET exam pattern and Syllabus.


RSMSSB Stenographer Recruitment 2020 : Free Jobs Alert Rajasthan for 1211 Stenographer Posts

 RSMSSB Stenographer Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs in India

Free Job Alert Rajasthan for Stenographer posts. RSMSSB recruitment department issued an advertisement on their website related to the reopening of the Stenographer Recruitment process 2020. RSMSSB Recruitment department is inviting all Indian fresher candidates to apply for these Govt Jobs for stenographer posts. Under this Sarkari Job Portal news, we are going to explain in detail about this RSMSSB Stenographer recruitment process.


RSMSSB Department announces that there are 1211 vacant positions for Stenographer job profile which are going to be filled up through this recruitment process. Applicants who have passed in their 12th class examination in any stream can apply for this RSMSSB Stenographer vacancy 2020. More information related to the eligibility criteria, pay band, salary, and How to apply for this RSMSSB Stenographer recruitment process is given below in this employment news. Read the full Sarkari Job Portal news carefully before applying for this recruitment process.


RSMSSB Stenographer Recruitment 2020

Basic Information about this RSMSSB Stenographer Recruitment 2020

Designation Name: Stenographer.


Number of Vacancies: 1211 Posts.


Pay Band: Pay Matrix L-10.