Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

Punjab WAKF Board Recruitment for 173 Clerk, Section Officers & Other Posts


Govt Jobs in Punjab

Welcome to the Govt Job Portal for the latest Govt job notification. Today we are going to share the latest vacancy available under the Government of Punjab. This is a great opportunity for those who are looking for Govt Jobs in Punjab. Punjab WAKF Board recruitment department is looking to recruit fresher candidates for various job profiles.


1). Job Profile: Accountant Clerk

Vacancies: 6 Posts.

Education: Candidates who have completed their Graduation degree in Commerce stream from a well-recognized university of India can apply.

Pay Band: Rs.10,300 – Rs.34800 + GP Rs.3200 per month.


2). Profile Name: Section officers

Vacancies: 10 Posts.

Education: Graduation degree in any stream can apply for this job profile under this Punjab WAKF Board recruitment 2020.

Pay Band: Rs.10,300 – Rs.34800 + GP Rs.4800 per month.


3). Profile Name: Rent Collector

Vacancies: 79 Posts.

Education: Graduation degree in any stream can apply for this job profile under this Punjab Wakf Board recruitment 2020.

Pay Band: Rs.10,300 – Rs.34800 + GP Rs.3200 per month.


4). Profile Name: Legal Support Assistants

Vacancies: 27 Posts.

Education: Applicants having a LLB degree can apply for this job profile under this Punjab WAKF Board recruitment 2020.

Pay Band: Rs.10,300 – Rs.34800 + GP Rs.3200 per month.


5). Profile Name: Sr. Assistants

Vacancies: 17 Posts.

Education: Applicants having a Graduation degree can apply for this designation.

Pay Band: Rs.10,300 – Rs.34800 + GP Rs.4400 per month.


6). Profile Name: Peon

Vacancies: 34 Posts.

Education: 12th Pass Can Apply.

Pay Band: Fix Rate by the Labour Department.


In addition to the education qualification for all posts mentioned above, the candidate should also have:

i. Passed Punjabi up to Matric standard or its equivalent standard from any recognized Institution/Board or should have passed the Punjabi Language Proficiency Test conducted by the Department of Languages, Government of Punjab.

ii. Good proficiency in the Urdu language to be tested by the administration of a qualifying examination.



i. For all other posts except the post of Peon:


The selection for all other posts except the post of Peon shall be done in following three steps.

Step – 1 (Written test of 400 marks): Written-test for the selection will consist of 100 Questions carrying a total of 400 marks. In addition to this, there will be one Urdu language section of 25 questions (100 marks). This Urdu language section will be of qualifying nature only. Marks obtained in the Urdu language section shall not be considered for the determination of merit.


Step – 2 (Interview of 70 marks): Candidates equal to three times the number of posts in their order of merit of written test at step - I will be called Interview by the Punjab Wakf Board (PWB). This number shall be subject to variation if two or more candidates at the last number (the number at the end) get equal marks, then all of them shall be considered for appearing in the Interview (subject to eligibility), warranting the corresponding increase in the stipulated ratio. The aim of the Interview is to assess the candidate's suitability for the job in terms of his personal qualities by a Panel Interview. Final merit will be prepared by the Punjab Wakf Board (PWB) on the basis of marks secured in the written test and interview of the candidates.


Step – 3 (Skill Test): Candidates selected after the interview will be called for skill test of qualifying nature. The skill test shall be conducted on the selected candidates in the order of merit. The test shall be of qualifying nature. Skill test shall consist of a typing test in Punjabi and English with such terms and conditions as having been fixed by the Government of Punjab, for the post of clerk.


Process for Applying

Candidates have to apply online by using the website whose link we provided below under IMPORTANT LINK section. The link for applying will be live from 31st Aug. 2020 to 24th Sept. 2020. After this date, the link will be disabled for applying for these Government Jobs in India.



31ST Aug. 2020 is the Start Date to Apply.

24th Sept. 2020 is the Last Date to Apply.



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NHB Assistant Manager Recruitment 2020 : National Housing Bank Vacancy for 16 Assistant Manger Posts 2020

 NHB Assistant Manager Recruitment 2020

National Housing Bank Vacancy 2020

NHB(National Housing Bank) recruitment department issued an official advertisement on its website related to the recruitment of Assistant Manager job profile. National Housing Bank is going to recruit fresher graduate candidates for the Assistant Manager designation. NHB Recruitment department is inviting all Indian fresher candidates to apply online for this Assistant manager job profile.

Applicants are guided to read all the directions contained in the official advertisement regarding the eligibility criteria, online registration method, payment of Application Fee/Intimation Charges, examination centres, issuance of e-Call Letters, written examination & interview processes etc. and ensure to accomplish all the suitability conditions for admission to the examination. Applicants are provisionally acknowledged to the examination with the requisite Application Fee/Intimation Charges (wherever applicable) on the basis of the information furnished in the ONLINE application. Mere issue of e-Call Letter to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Bank.

There are a total of 16 vacant positions for applying this Assistant Manager (Scale I) job profile 2020. More information about this National Housing Bank recruitment process is given below in this Sarkari job portal news. Read the complete news carefully before applying online for these Govt Jobs in India. We are going to explain each and every information related to this recruitment process below:

Job profile: Assistant Manager (Scale-1)

Number of Vacancies: 16 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.23,700 – Rs.42020 per month.

nhb recruitment

Nainital Bank Recruitment 2020 : Nainital Bank PO and Clerk Notification 2020

Nainital Bank PO and Clerk Recruitment 2020

Nainital Bank Clerk Notification 2020

Nainital Bank PO Notification 2020

Welcome to the Sarkari Job Portal for the latest Govt Job Notifications. We are coming up with the latest notification related to the Nainital Bank recruitment process for Clerk and Probationary officer posts. NOTIFICATION FOR RECRUITMENT OF PROBATIONARY OFFICERS IN GRADE/ SCALE I AND CLERKS.

About the Bank: The Nainital Bank Limited is everywhere in the century. This bank is one of the oldest Private Sector Scheduled Commercial Bank reputable in the year 1922 by Bharat Ratna Late Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant and few other prominent personalities of Nainital. With a magnificent track record since 1973, the Nainital Bank Limited is the only Scheduled Commercial Bank of Uttarakhand with 98.57% of its shareholding with Bank of Baroda, operating its Head Office from Nainital.

This time the Nainital Bank recruitment department issued an official bank job notification for the recruitment of fresher Graduate candidates for clerk and Probationary officers. Bank recruitment department is inviting online govt job applications for the appointment to the following posts which we mentioned below in this Govt Job Portal news:


1). Profile Name: Probationary Officers

Vacancies: 75 Posts

Education: Graduation pass in any stream with at least 50% marks can apply. Candidates must have the computer operation working knowledge.

Age Bond: Must have age in between 21 years to 30 years as on 31st July 2020.

2). Profile Name: Clerk

Vacancies: 80 Posts

Education: Graduate candidates in any stream with at least 45% marks can apply. Knowledge of Computer operation in must.

Age Bond: Must have age in between 21 years to 28 years for applying clerk job profile under this Nainital Bank PO Recruitment 2020.



1. The number of posts declared above is temporary and may differ according to the actual necessity of the Bank.

2. Bank reserves the right to cancel the employment process moderately/ completely at any time.

3. In cases where experience in a specific field is required, the relevant experience certificate must contain specifically that the candidate has experience in that specific field.

4. The candidates can be posted/ subsequently transferred to any of the existing/ proposed Branches/ Offices of the Bank as per banking exigencies.

5. Important- Candidates are advised to carefully note that, they will be required to execute an Indemnity Bond for prescribed amount with surety for serving the Bank for a specified period. In case the candidate resigns from or leaves/ abandons the service before completion of the specified period, he/ she will indemnify the Bank for amount of the Bond, for all losses, costs, charges and expenses incurred by the Bank.


Nominated applicants after clearing all the rounds of selection, shall accomplish with the Indemnity Bond before joining Bank’s service as below:

·       For Probationary Officer:

Grade/Scale-I: Amount of Bond: Rs. 2.00 Lacs

Bond Period: 02 Years

·       For Clerks:

Amount of Bond: Rs. 1.25 Lacs

Bond Period: 02 Years



The detailed Guidelines / Procedure For applying for these bank jobs in India is as follow:

A. Application Registration: Applicants have to fill up the online application form with his/her detail by using the official website of the department.

B. Payment of Fees: After registering with the detail applicants have to pay the application fee online.

C. Document Scan and Upload.

Applicants can apply online only from August 29, 2020, to September 15, 2020, for this Nainital Bank Po recruitment 2020 and no other mode of application will be accepted.



29TH Aug. 2020 is the Start Date to Apply Online.

15th Sept. 2020 is the Last Date to Apply Online.



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That’s all about this Sarkari job portal news. For more Govt job notifications continue your visit with the Govt job Portal website. We are here to share every information related to the competitive exams as well as a study material. Thank you for reading this article.


OSSC Auditor Recruitment 2020 : Govt Jobs in Odisha for 161 Combined Auditor Posts

 OSSC Auditor Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs for 161 Combined Auditor Posts


OSSC Auditor vacancy 2020. An open Advertisement (Advt. No. : IIE-157/2019-4528/OSSC) has been published by the OSSC Recruitment department related to the employment of combined auditor posts. OSSC Recruitment department is inviting all Indian fresher candidates to apply online for the posts of Combined Auditors.  Latest Govt Jobs in Odisha for 161 Combined Auditor posts.


More information related to this OSSC Recruitment process such as the eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary, and How to apply has been discussed in this employment news. You have to read the full employment news carefully before applying for these Government Jobs in India.



Basic Information Related to this OSSC Recruitment 2020

Profile Name: Combined Auditor.


Number of Vacancies: 161 Posts.


Pay Band: Rs.16,880 per month.


NCTE Recruitment 2020 : Govt Jobs for Clerk, DEO, Assistant & Steno Posts

 NCTE Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs for Clerk, DEO, Assistant & Steno Posts

Latest Govt Job notification for filling up the vacant positions of Lower Division Clerk, Data Entry Operator, Assistant, and Stenographers. NCTE stands for “National Council for Teacher Education” is a statutory body of the Government of India. NCTE Recruitment department is looking to fill up all these vacant positions through this recruitment process. The total number of vacancies that are going to be filled up through this NCTE LDC Recruitment is 18 posts.   


More information related to this NCTE LDC Recruitment 2020 is given below in this sarkari job portal news. Applicants can apply online for these Govt jobs in India before 19 September 2020. Below in this Govt Jobs Notification, we are going to explain about the eligibility criteria, pay scale, and How to apply NCTE Recruitment”. Read the complete employment news carefully before applying for this NCTE Recruitment 2020.



Basic Information About this NCTE LDC Vacancy 2020

 Post Name






Stenographer Grade ‘C’



Stenographer Grade ‘D’



Data Entry Operator (DEO)



Lower Division Clerk (LDC)






What are the various Eligibility Standards for Applying this NCTE LDC Recruitment 2020?





Applicants having a Graduation degree from a recognized university in any stream can apply for the Assistant job profile.

20 to 27 years

Stenographer Grade ‘C’

Applicants who have passed in the 12th (10+2) class from a recognized education Board and must have typing speed of 100 words per minutes in English/Hindi Shorthand.

18 to 27 years

Stenographer Grade ‘D’

12th Pass candidates can apply.


Skill Test Norms Dictation: 10 mts. @ 80 w.p.m.
Transcription: 65 mts. (Eng.) 75 mts. (Hindi) (On Manual Typewriter) Or 50 mts. (Eng.). 65 mts. (Hindi) (On Computer)

18 to 27 years


12th Pass candidates can apply who have a typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on computer.

18 to 25 years


12th pass candidates who have a typing speed of not less than 15000 key depressions per hour for Data Entry Work.

18 to 27 years

How much application fee for applying NCTE LDC Recruitment process?

For Assistant and Stenographer Grade ‘C’


Payment Mode: You have to pay the Application Fee through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking.

For Stenographer Grade ‘D’, LDC & DEO


For SC/ST/PH/Women / Ex-Servicemen

No Fee



19TH Sept. 2020 is the last date to Apply.


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