Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

NVS Recruitment for PGT, TGT & FCSA Posts 2020 - 454 Teacher & Librarian Vacancy in Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

 NVS PGT, TGT & FCSA Vacancy 2020

Navodaya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2020

NVS Recruitment for 454 PGT, TGT, FCSA posts on a contract basis. NVS (Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti) Regional Office Pune is inviting Govt job applications THROUGH EMAIL ONLY from all the qualified aspirants for the appointment as a Faculty-cum-System Administrators on Computer Project basis in the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya’s located in the States/UTs of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment department said that there are 454 vacant positions for different posts that are going to be filled up through this NVS Recruitment process 2020. More information related to these Government jobs in India for teaching job profile is given below in this employment news. Read the full employment news carefully before applying online.

The vacancies, eligibility criteria, application forms etc. and contact details of the JNVs are as under :

1). Profile Name: PGTs (Hindi-16, English-06, Mathematics- 10, Biology-17, Chemistry-14, Physics-14, Economics-03, Geography- 06, History-10 & I.T.- 02)

Total Number of Vacancies- 98 *

2). Profile Name: TGTs (Hindi-48, English-31, Mathematics-48, Science-28, So.St.-32, Marathi-08, Gujarati-13, Art-17, Music-13 PET(Male)-20, PET(Female)-13 & Librarian-12)

Total Number of Vacancies- 283 *

3) Profile Name: FCSA

Total Number of Vacancies- 73 *

* The number of vacancies is tentative. 

nvs recruitment 2020

NLC Recruitment for 675 Apprentice, Assistant & Accountant Posts through Gov Apprenticeships Program

Latest Job opportunities under Gov Apprenticeships Program of 2020. NLC Recruitment department is looking to fill up Apprentice posts. Latest Govt Job notification for which ITI & Graduate pass candidates can apply. NLC Apprentice ITI Jobs in India 2020. Notification related to this NLC recruitment process has been published on 02nd Sept. 2020. We are going to explain about this ITI Apprentice vacancy below in this Sarkari job portal news. NLC (Neyveli Lignite Corporation) recruitment department published an official notification in PDF format related to the employment process for the Apprentice job profile.

After reading the official notification, we come to know that NLC is going to recruit fresher ITI, BSc, BCA, B.Com & BBA pass candidates can apply online for this NLC recruitment 2020. There are 675 vacant Apprentice posts for which fresher candidates can apply online. More information related to this Gov Apprenticeships program under the NLC organization is given below in this Govt Job Notification. Read the full Govt Job Portal news carefully to know about the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria before applying online for these Government Jobs in India.


nlc recruitment 2020

Basic information related to this NLC Gov Apprenticeships Program

Job Profile: Apprentice

Number of Vacancies: 675 Posts.

National Health Mission Recruitment for 6310 Community Health Officers in Rajasthan

National Health Mission India Recruitment 2020

NHM Rajasthan CHO Vacancy

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

NHM (National Health Mission) is looking to recruit fresher applicants for Community Health Officer (CHO) Posts.  NHM Rajasthan recruitment department is inviting all Indian candidates who are going to satisfied all the eligibility conditions which we mentioned below to apply for this NHM CHO Vacancy 2020.

Latest Govt Jobs in Rajasthan state on a contract basis. NHM Recruitment department is going to recruit 6310 Community Health Officers through this National Health Mission recruitment process. Applicants who have completed their GNM, B.Sc(Nursing) (OR) BAMS degree can apply for this Community Health officer recruitment process in 2020. More information related to this NHM Rajasthan CHO vacancy is given below in this employment news.

Well-Qualified applicants can apply online for these Govt Jobs in Rajasthan from 2nd Sept. 2020 to 16 Sept. 2020. Read the full news shared by Govt Job Portal before applying online for these Govt Jobs in India.


Designation Name: Community Health Officer (CHO)


Number of Vacancies: 6310 Posts.


Pay band: Rs.25,000 per month.



What Will be the Eligibility Criteria for Applying NHM Recruitment 2020?

Educational Criteria: Applicants who have completed one of the following qualifications can apply:

1.    Those who have a Bsc(Nursing)/BSc(Community Health) Degree from a well-recognized university of India.


2.    Applicants who have completed their GNM (OR) BAMS course can also apply for this National Health Mission recruitment for CHO posts 2020.


Age Limit: Applicants having age in between 18 years to 45 years as on 01st January 2020 are eligible to apply online for these Govt Jobs in India.


How Much application fee to be Paid for applying this NHM Recruitment 2020?




For Unreserved candidates


Applicants have to pay the examination fee through Online(Credit/Debit/Internet banking/Any other online Method).





2ND Sept. 2020 is the Start Date to Apply.

16th Sept. 2020 is the Last Date to Apply.


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What will be the Selection process for NHM Rajasthan CHO Recruitment 2020?

The National Health Mission recruitment department is going to choose candidates for this job profile on the basis of their performance in the Personal Interview round. Only 1 round for the selection and that is the personal interview round.

How to apply for this NHM Recruitment 2020?

Applicants who are wishing to work for this National Health Mission organization can apply online by using the NHM official website. We have provided the online application form link under the IMPORTANT LINK section above. The online application form link is currently active for applying and this link will remain active till 16th Sept. 2020.

IBPS Clerk Online Form 2020 : Notification related to the IBPS Clerk X Recruitment

 IBPS Clerk Notification 2020

Bank Jobs for 1557 Clerk Posts in India 2020.

Any qualified applicant, who desires to join any of the Participating Organisations listed under IBPS can apply online for this IBPS Clerk recruitment 2020.  Indian fresher Graduate candidates can apply for the Clerk or in a similar post in that cadre through this IBPS Clerk notification 2020. This is a Common Recruitment Process for clerk posts under Public sector banks in India. IBPS conducts the Clerk examination every year to recruit fresher candidates in the public sector Banks all over India.

The IBPS Clerk examination of 2020 will be conducted in two-tier. That means the online test will be held in two phases which are Online Preliminary Exam and Online Main Exam. Applicants who will succeed in Online Preliminary Exam will have to appear for Online IBPS Clerk Main Examination. The validity for IBPS Clerks-X exam will automatically expire at the close of business on 31.03.2022 with or without giving any notice.

Today on 2nd Sept. 2020, IBPS recruitment department published a notification on their official website related to the IBPS Clerk X 2020 Notification. IBPS Recruitment department is inviting all eligible Indian candidates to apply online for the Clerk job profile under public sector banks. In the official notification, the IBPS recruitment department said that there is a total of 1557 Clerk (Clerical cadre) Vacancy which is going to be filled up through this IBPS Clerk recruitment 2020. Applicants can fill up the IBPS Clerk Online form from 2nd Dec. 2020 to 23rd Sept. 2020. 

More information related to the eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply IBPS Clerk X Notification is given below in this Sarkari job portal news. Read the complete employment news carefully before applying online for this IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2020.


BECIL Recruitment 2020 : Govt Jobs for Clerk, Accountant and Other Posts

 BECIL LDC Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs for Clerk, Accountant and Other Posts

Shared By: WWW.GovtJobsPortal.IN


BECIL Recruitment department published a notification on its website related to the recruitment of various posts. The official notification related to this recruitment process is also available on the official BECIL website and we have also shared the advertisement link below under the IMPORTANT Link section. Broadcast Engineering Consultants India is inviting all Indian fresher and experienced candidates to apply online for this BECIL Recruitment in 2020.

There are 38 vacant positions for the LDC, Accountant, Office Attendant & other posts that are going to be filled up through this BECIL Recruitment 2020. Applicants who have completed their 10th, Graduation and M.Com degree are eligible to apply for this BECIL Recruitment 2020. More information related to this BECIL LDC Recruitment 2020 is given below in this employment news. Read the full news share by Govt job Portal before applying online for these Govt Jobs in India. Below in this employment news, we are going to explain the eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary, and How to apply BECIL vacancy 2020.