Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

Jobs in Banking Sector in India - Career in Banking

 Jobs in the Banking sector
Career in Banking

The banking sector in India has and always will be one of the most trustworthy sectors in terms of job security. It has withstood the test of time and will continue to do so. The banking industry has been largely overlooked in many regions of India due to the emphasis placed on IT industries. Nonetheless, the financial sector is nowhere close to stagnation. In fact, it has grown to produce numerous jobs in the banking sector.

The banking sector has many departments that provide a variety of job opportunities depending on your educational qualification and age criteria. Most bank jobs require accounts or finance-related degree. It is also mandatory to clear banking examinations to qualify for a fulltime position at a bank.

India has a very large number of private and government banks. Some of the most popular banks are Axis, SBI, ICICI, Citi, Standard Chartered Bank, Kotak Mahindra, HSBC, HDFC, Canara Bank, Bank of Maharashtra, Allahabad Bank, and Punjab National Bank.

jobs in banking sector

Major Examination for a Career in Banking Sector:

1.  IBPS Examination: The IBPS is the only Government organization that conducts a common banking examination in India. This examination is solely for candidates applying for a government bank job. There are variations in the exams depending on the post and designation you are seeking.

2.    Private Examinations: Unlike the IBPS examination, private banks do not have a common entrance examination. Each Private bank introduces a vacancy notice on their website and circulates that notice in the various newspaper as well. Therefore, it is important for candidates to keep themselves updated with the latest private bank news. Openings for private banking job opportunities can be found online and in leading magazines and newspapers.

TNUSRB Notification 2020 : 10906 Male and Female Police Constable Vacancy 2020

 TNUSRB Notification 2020

Police Constable Recruitment 2020

TNUSRB Recruitment 2020 apply online for the constable job profile. The TNUSRB department is going to recruit Police Constable, Jail Warder, and Fireman posts.  TNUSRB Recruitment department is looking to fill up 10,906 vacant positions through this employment process. Applicants who have passed in their 10th class examination from a recognized educational board can apply for this TNUSRB Police Constable Recruitment 2020. Online job application related to this TNUSRB notification will be accepted till 26th October 2020.

More information related to this TNUSRB recruitment process such as the eligibility criteria pay scale and How to apply for this TNUSRB Police Constable job is given below in this Sakri job portal news. Read the complete news carefully before applying for this Police constable recruitment in Tamil Nadu state 2020.

TNUSRB Notification 2020

NTA UGC NET Exam June 2020 Admit Card - Link is Active to Download UGC NET Paper 1 Admit Card

 UGC NET Exam June 2020 Admit Card

Link is Active to Download Admit Card FOR UGC NET Paper 1

Good news for the candidates who are preparing for the UGC NET Paper 1. Today on 19th Sept. 2020 NTA (National Testing Agency) activates the link to download the Admit Card for the UGC NET Paper 1 June 2020. You can visit the NAT official website to download the UGC NET June 2020 Admit Card Link. Those who have applied for the UGC NET Paper 1 can now download the admit card for the UGC NET Paper 1.

We have shared the direct link below in this Sarkari Job Portal news, that link will redirect you to the online form from where you can directly download the admit card for UGC NET Paper 1.  You must have the following information with you before downloading the Admit card:

1.    Application Number.

2.    Date Of Birth.

By using these two Credential, you will be able to download your Admit card for the UGC NET Exam 2020.




Download Admit Card




UGC NET Solved Papers Till 2019



BPSC 66th Notification 2020 - Govt Jobs in Bihar for 731 Officers (66 BPSC Exam Notification)

 BPSC 66th Notification 2020

66 BPSC Exam Notification

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Latest Govt Jobs in Bihar state under various Government departments as an officer. The government of Bihar is conducting BPSC CCE(Combined Competitive Exam) every year. This time the BPSC recruitment department is going to conduct the 66th CCE Pre Exam. Fresher candidates who have completed their Graduation can apply for the 66 BPSC Examination.

BPSC Recruitment department is inviting online job applications to be fill up related to this 66th Combined Competitive Exam 2020. In the 66 BPSC Exam notification, we come to know that there are 731 Vacant posts that are going to be filled up through this BPSC recruitment process 2020. More information related to this BPSC 66th CCE Pre Exam Recruitment 2020 is given below in this Sarkari job portal news.  Read the complete employment news to know about the eligibility criteria, pay scale, and How to apply for this BPSC recruitment process.

bpsc 66th cce notification 2020

Basic Detail About this BPSC 66 CCE Pre Exam 2020

Examination Name:66TH COMBINED Competitive Examination 2020.

Number of Vacancies: 731 Posts.

Pay Band: Pay level – 7 & Pay level-9.

UPPCL New Notification related to the 102 Account Clerk Vacancy - UPPCL Account Clerk Recruitment

 UPPCL Account Clerk Vacancy 2020

UPPCL New Notification

Latest Govt job notification for clerk designation. A notification has been published by the department related to the UPPCL Clerk vacancy 2020. UPPCL Recruitment department is inviting all Indian applicants to fill up the online application form related to this UPPCL Account clerk recruitment process. 

UPPCL department is looking to recruit 102 candidates for the Account Clerk job profile in UP state. Applicants who have completed their B.Com graduation degree and willing to work for the Electricity department can apply for this UPPCL clerk job profile. More information related to this UPPCL Recruitment process such as the eligibility criteria, pay band, and How to apply UPPCL Account Clerk job profile is given below in this SARKARI JOB PORTAL news. Read the full employment news carefully before applying online for these Govt jobs in UP state 2020.


uppcl new notification
uppcl new notification

Basic Information related to this UPPCL Account Clerk Recruitment 2020

Designation Name: Account Clerk.

Number of Vacancies: 102 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.27,200 – Rs.86,100 PER Month. (Pay Level-4)