Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

Assam Police New Recruitment - Govt Jobs in Assam for 111 SI, Field Assistant Posts 2020

Assam Police New Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs for Field Assistant Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Latest Government Jobs in Assam state 2020. Assam Police is looking to recruit fresher candidates for different designations. Assam Police recruitment department is inviting the latest job application for the post of Field Assistant, Junior Assistant, Sub-Inspector of Statistics, Primary Investigator & Junior Artist posts. In their employment notification, Assam police said that there are 133 vacant positions that are going to be filled up through this Assam Police new recruitment process.

Applicants who have passed in their 10th, 12th (or)Graduation class can apply for this Assam Police Field Assistant recruitment process 2020. Online applications related to these Government jobs in Assam state will be filled up to the following date: “15 October 2020”. More information related to these Police jobs in Assam state is given below in this Sarkari Job Portal news. Read the full employment news carefully before applying online.

Assam Police New Recruitment 2020

Bombay High Court Recruitment - Govt Jobs for 111 System Officer In District Court 2020

 Bombay High Court Recruitment 2020

111 System Officer In District Court

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Latest Govt Job Notification is out from Bombay High Court for filling up the vacant posts of System Officer and Sr. System officers. Bombay High Court recruitment department has published an advertisement on their official website in which they are inviting all Indian fresher candidates to apply online for the System officer job profile.

There are a total of 111 System Officer vacant posts that are going to be filled up through this Bombay high court recruitment process 2020. The system officer vacant positions will be filled up in the District and Taluka Courts in the State of Maharashtra. This Bombay high court recruitment process is on a contract basis. The Govt Jobs applications are invited from B.E./B.Tech., MCA pass candidates. Applicants can fill up the online job application till 08 October 2020. Please go through the completed employment news shared by Govt Job Portal to know more about this Bombay high court system officer recruitment process 2020.

Bombay High Court Recruitment 2020

Basic Information about the Bombay High Court System Officer Vacancy 2020

1). Designation Name: System officer.

Number of Vacancies: 80 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.40,000 per month.


2). Designation Name: Sr. System Officer.

Number Of Vacancies: 31 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.46,000 per month.

HPSSSB Recruitment - Govt Jobs for 1661 Jr. Office Assistant, Clerk, Jr. Engineer & Other Posts

 HPSSSB Recruitment 2020

HP Govt Jobs for Jr. Office Assistant & Other Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

HPSSSB recruitment department issued employment notification on their website. Latest Government Jobs in Himachal Pradesh. Through this HPSSSB Recruitment process, Government of HP is going to fill up the vacant positions of Junior Office Assistant, Junior Engineer & Various other posts which we mentioned below in this Sarkari job portal news. There are total 1661 vacant positions that are going to be filled through this HPSSSB recruitment 2020.

Applicants who have passed in their 10th, 12th, ITI, Diploma, Graduation class can apply online for these Government jobs in HP state 2020.  Applicants who are looking to pursue their career in the Government sector can apply for this HPSSSB Junior Office Assistant recruitment process before 25 October 2020.  More information related to the HPSSSB recruitment process such as the eligibility criteria, pay scale, and How to apply is given below in this employment news. Read the complete Sarkari job portal news carefully before applying online for these Government jobs in India.

HPSSSB Recruitment

BSUSC Assistant Professor Recruitment - 4648 Assistant Professor Jobs in Bihar 2020

 BSUSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2020

4648 Assistant Professor Jobs in Bihar

BSUSC recruitment department is looking to recruit Assistant Professor posts on a direct recruitment basis. BSUSC recruitment department is inviting Govt job application for filling up 4638 Assistant Professor posts. Applicants who have completed their Post-Graduation degree can apply for these Assistant professor jobs in Bihar state 2020.  More information related to this BSUSC Assistant Professor recruitment process is given below in this employment news.

Applicants have to fill up the online application related to this BSUSC Assistant professor recruitment process before 02 November 2020. More information such as the eligibility criteria pay scale, selection process, and How to apply for this Bihar State University Service Commission is given below in this employment news. Read the complete news shared by Govt job Portal before applying online for these Government jobs in Bihar for Assistant Professor posts.


BSUSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2020  4648 Assistant Professor Jobs in Bihar

Basic Information related to this BSUSC Assistant Professor Vacancy 2020

Designation Name: Assistant Professor

Number of Vacancies: 4648 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.57,700 per Month.


JK High Court Recruitment for Stenographer, Electrician & Driver Posts 2020 - Apply online for these Govt Jobs in JK

JK High Court Vacancy 2020

Govt Jobs in J&K

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

JK High Court recruitment department is looking to fill up various vacant positions. Latest Govt Jobs in the high court of JK for Stenographer, Compositor, Electrician and Driver posts. JK High court is inviting the Govt job application for filling up 28 posts. Applicants who have passed in their 8th, Diploma, Graduation class can apply for this JK High court vacancy 2020.

More information related to these Govt jobs in JK is given below in this Sarkari job portal news. Read the complete employment news carefully to know about eligibility criteria, pay scale, and How to Apply JK High Court Stenographer posts. All these facts related to this JK High court recruitment will be explained below:

JK High Court Vacancy 2020