Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

BPSC Auditor Vacancy 2020 - Govt Jobs in Bihar for 373 Auditor Posts

 BPSC Auditor Vacancy 2020

Govt Jobs in Bihar for 373 Auditor Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Bihar Government Jobs for Auditor posts in different districts. We are going to share brief Information related to this BPSC Auditor vacancy 2020. The public service commission department of the Bihar Government is going to recruit candidates for Auditor posts. BPSC department took the responsibility to recruit the capable candidates in Bihar state for Auditor designation.

In this employment news we are going to share more detail about this BPSC Auditor vacancy as well as all the eligibility criteria. Applicants who are looking for Government jobs in Bihar state should apply for this BPSC Recruitment process. Before applying online for these Government jobs in Bihar, one must read the full employment news carefully before applying.



Basic information about this BPSC Recruitment 2020

Designation Name: Auditor.

Number of Vacancies: 373 Posts.


Eligibility Criteria for Applying this BPSC Recruitment 2020

Qualification: Those Candidates who have a Bachelor Degree is one of the following stream: “Commerce/ Economics/ Statistics/ Mathematics” can apply.


Those who have completed their one of the following course can also apply: “MBA (Finance) / CA/ ICWA/ CS”.


Age Bond: The age criteria for applying these Bihar Government Jobs are as follow:

·       Minimum Age of the candidate who is wishing to apply must be 21 Years.

·       Maximum Age of the candidates for UR (Male) category is 37 Years.

·       Maximum Age of the applicant belonging to the UR (Female), BC & EBC casts is 40 Years.

·       Maximum Age of the candidates belonging to SC & ST casts is 42 Years.


The Application Fee for Applying BPSC Auditor Recruitment:

Different cast candidates have to pay the different application fee amount. The application fee amount for various casts in India is as follow:

·       For Gen/ Other: Rs.600/-

·       For SC/ ST & Women of Bihar State: Rs. 150/-

·       For PWD Candidates: Rs. 150/-

Payment Method: You can choose the Offline/ Online method for the payment of the application fee.


Important Dates

21st Oct. 2020 is the Start Date to Apply Online.

18th Nov. 2020 is the Last Date to Apply.


Important Links

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Thank you for reading this Govt Job Portal article related to the BPSC Auditor vacancy 2020. For more Government job notification, continue your visit with Govt Jobs Portal. 

SSC Stenographer Exam 2020 - Govt Jobs in India for Stenographers

SSC Stenographer Exam 2020

Govt Jobs in India for Stenographers

Shared By: Govt Job Portal


Hello readers, in this employment news we are going to tell you about the “SSC Stenographer Notification 2020”. The staff selection commission recruitment department issued a notification related to the Stenographer examination of 2020. SSC Used to conduct this examination every year to recruit candidates as Stenographer in the various Government departments. This is a direct recruitment process to recruit candidates under the Government of India.

SSC is inviting all Indian candidates who have passed in their 12th class and also have good stenography skills to apply for this SSC Stenographer exam 2020. The online job application will be accepted related to this recruitment process. The SSC Department is going to recruit for Stenographer Grade C and D posts in various Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations in the Government of India. Applicants can fill up the online application to get appear in the SSC Stenographer exam up to 04th November 2020. Please go through the complete article carefully to know more about the eligibility criteria, pay scale,  and How to apply for the SSC Stenographer exam 2020. Read the full employment news before filling up the online application.

Examination Name: SSC Stenographer Exam 2020.

Profile Name: Stenographer Grade C & Grade D

Number of Vacancies: Not Mentioned in the Advertisement.


SSC Stenographer Exam 2020  Govt Jobs in India for Stenographers

Eligibility Criteria for applying this SSC Stenographer Vacancy 2020

Education For Stenographer Grade C: Those who have passed in their 12th standard examination can apply.

Transcription time Must be as follow:

·       English: 50 minutes

·       Hindi: 65 minutes

Age Bond: Age of the candidates must be in between 18 to 30 years


Education For Stenographer Grade D: 12th standard pass candidates in any stream can apply.

Transcription time Must match with the following limits:

·       English: 40 minutes

·       Hindi: 55 minutes

Age Bond: Applicants having age in between 18 to 27 years can apply.


Application Fee for applying SSC Stenographer Examination 2020

·       Candidates belonging to the Gen/ OBC/EWS casts: 100/-.

·       Female/SC/ ST/PWD candidates have to pay No Fee for applying.

Method of Payment: You can pay the Examination Fee through any of the following online methods: “Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking”.



10TH Oct. 2020 is the Start Date to Apply.

04th Nov. 2020 is the Last Date to Apply.

29th To 31st March is the Date for Computer Based Test.



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Selection Method: Selection of the candidates for the Stenographer job profile will be done on the basis of two rounds of selection, which is as follow:

·       1st Round: Computer Based Test.

·       2nd Round: Skill Test.


UKPSC Lecturer Vacancy 2020 : Govt Jobs for 571 Lecturer in Uttarakhand

 UKPSC Lecturer Vacancy 2020

Public Service Commission Recruitment

Shared By: Govt Job Portal


Public Service Commission recruitment department of Uttarakhand Government is going to recruit fresher candidates for Lecturer job profile. Candidates will be recruit as a lecturer in different schools all over the Uttarakhand state. The lecturer designation will be filled up with respect of various subjects such as: “English, Hindi, Physics, Sanskrit, Chemistry, Mathematics & other subjects” which we also mentioned below in this Sarkari job portal news.


More information related to this UKPSC Lecturer Recruitment 2020 is given below in this employment news.  The public service commission recruitment department is inviting all Indian candidates to apply online for this Uttarakhand Special Subordinate Education Service Examination 2020. The government of the UK is going to recruit 571 candidates as a lecturer under various subjects through this recruitment process. Applicants who have completed their Post-Graduation degree after that also complete B.Ed can apply for this UKPSC Lecturer vacancy 2020. More information related to these Govt jobs in the UK state is given below in this employment news. Read the full news before applying online for lecturer jobs.


Basic Information about this UKPSC Lecturer Recruitment 2020


1). Profile Name: Lecturer Cadre (General Branch)       

Number of Vacancies: 544 Posts.

2). Profile Name: Lecturer Cadre (Female Branch)         

Number of Vacancies: 27 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.47600 – 151100/-  Level-8

Total Number Vacancies:    571 Posts.

UKPSC Lecturer Vacancy 2020  Public Service Commission Recruitment

Haryana Transport Apprentice Recruitment 2020

Haryana Transport Apprentice Recruitment 2020

Shared By: Govt Jobs Portal

Latest Govt Jobs in Haryana state as an Apprentice job profile. Government jobs in Haryana state for ITI Pass candidates. Applicants who are looking for the Govt jobs after completing the ITI course can apply for this Haryana Transport Apprentice recruitment 2020. Haryana Transport Department in its official notification mentioned that there are 64 vacant positions of Apprentice post which are going to be filled up through this recruitment process.

The online application form related to this recruitment process will be accepted till 20 October 2020. In this article, we are going to share about the various factors such as the eligibility criteria, pay scale, and How to apply, so read the full employment news to know more about this recruitment process before applying.

Haryana transport Apprentice

Basic Information About Haryana Transport Apprentice Vacancy  

Post Name: Apprentice.       

Number of Vacancies: 64 posts.


Apprentice vacancy in Haryana based on various Trades

·       Mechanic Motor Vehicle: 18.

·       Diesel Mechanic: 18.

·       Battery Repairer: 02.

·       Electrician: 08.

·       Carpenter: 02.

·       Tyre Repairer: 04.

·       Welder: 04.

·       Painter: 06.

·       Turner: 02.

Total Number of Vacancies: 64 Posts.

Eligibility Norms related to the Haryana Transport Apprentice Recruitment 2020

Education: Applicants who have completed their ITI course in the relevant Trade can apply for this employment process in Haryana state.

Age Bond: The age of the candidates will be decided as per hartrans rules.


How much Application Fee applying for these Apprentice jobs?

Applicants who satisfied all eligibility conditions and wish to apply for these Government jobs in Haryana state can apply without paying any application fee amount. Department is inviting eligible candidates to apply without paying any amount of application fee.


Procedure for applying for this Haryana Transport Apprentice Vacancy 2020

Applicants can apply online for this Govt jobs in Haryana by using the following website . Candidates can apply online in between following dates: “15.10.2020 to 20.10.2020”.


Selection Process Related to the Haryana Transport Apprentice

The selection of the applicants for these jobs profile will be done based on the marks obtained in ITI standard/ course.


15TH Oct. 2020 is the Starting Date to apply.

20th Oct. 2020 is the Last Date to Apply.



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NLC Recruitment for 550 Graduate Apprentice and Diploma Apprentice Posts 2020

 NLC Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs for Graduate and Diploma Apprentices

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Graduate Apprentice Jobs for fresher candidates who have completed their Graduation degree in the Engineering stream. Along with the Graduate apprentice jobs, NLC Recruitment department is also going to recruit candidates for the Diploma Apprentice posts. Latest employment notification has been shared by the NLC department to recruit fresher candidates. There are 250 vacant posts for Graduate Apprentice posts and 300 Diploma Apprentice posts under different trades that are going to be filled up after the competition of the NLC Recruitment process.

Applicants have to apply online for this NLC Apprentice recruitment process before 03rd November 2020.  More information related to this NLC Recruitment such as the eligibility criteria, pay scale, and How to apply for this NLC job opening. Read the complete employment news carefully before applying online for this recruitment process. We are going to explain each and every information related to this employment notice below in this employment news.

NLC Recruitment 2020  Govt Jobs for Graduate and Diploma Apprentices

Basic Information About this NLC Recruitment 2020

1). Profile Name: Graduate Apprentice Trainee (GAT)  

Number of Vacancies: 250 Posts.

Stipend during 1 Year Training: 15028/- (Per Month).

2). Profile Name: Diploma Apprentice Trainee

Number of Vacancies: 300 posts.

Stipend during 1 Year Training: 12,524 Per month.