Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

Indian Security Press Recruitment / Govt Jobs in India for 42 Supervisor, Officers & Draftsman Posts

Indian Security Press Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs in India for Supervisor and Other Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Indian Security Press Nasik is looking to recruit fresher candidates for Welfare Officer, supervisors, and draftsman posts. Latest Govt Jobs in India for ITI pass, diploma holder, and engineering graduates. ISP recruitment department is inviting all Indian candidates to apply online for 42 vacant positions of Supervisor, Welfare Officer & draftsman posts. Applicants who have completed their 3 years Diploma in the related Subjects can apply for these Sarkari jobs in India.

Applicants can fill up the online application related to this ISP Nasik Supervisor vacancy before 21st December 2020. Please go through this employment news carefully to know about the educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay and other terms and conditions related to this Indian security press recruitment process 2020.

Indian Security Press Recruitment 2020

UCIL Trade Apprentice Recruitment - 244 ITI Apprentice Jobs in India

UCIL Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2020

244 ITI Apprentice Jobs in India

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Welcome back to the Govt Job Portal. UCIL recruitment department has published an advertisement on their website related to the employment for the ITI pass candidates. The Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) has publicized an announcement for the employment of ITI Trade Apprentice posts in various Trades. Those Applicants who are concerned with this UCIL vacancy details and want to know about the completed all eligibility criteria and other terms and conditions must read this complete employment news carefully.

Profile Name: Trade Apprentice

Number of Vacancies: 244 Posts.

SBI Careers Making Opening for 8500 Apprentices in India - SBI Apprentice Salary /Eligibility / Selection 2020

SBI Apprentice Vacancy 2020

SBI Careers Making Opening for 8500 Apprentices

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Bank job applications are invited from Indian Residents for the appointment of apprentices under the Apprentice Act 1961 (as amended from time to time). SBI recruitment department is looking to recruit 8500 apprentices all over India in different cities. Applicants who are looking for a banking career can apply for this SBI Apprentice recruitment process 2020. Various facts related to this SBI Apprentice vacancy 2020:

1. Applicants can apply for an appointment in one state only. Applicants can appear for the exam only once under this engagement project.

2. The process of SBI Apprentice 2020 registration is complete only when the application fee is deposited with the Bank through Online mode on or before the last date for payment of fees.

3. Contenders are requested to apply Online through the link given on the following or careers.

4. All modifications/corrigendum (if any) will be introduced on the Bank’s website only related to this SBI Apprentice vacancy 2020.

More information related to this State Bank of India (SBI) apprentice recruitment 2020 has been given below in this employment news shared by the Sarkari job portal. Read the full information carefully before applying for these bank jobs in India.

sbi apprentice recruitment 2020

Basic Information Related to this SBI Vacancy 2020

Job Profile: Apprentice.

Number of Vacancies: 8500 Posts.

STIPEND/ BENEFIT: The trainees are suitable for the stipend of Rs.15000/- per month during 1st year, Rs.16500/- per month during 2nd year and Rs.19000/- per month during 3rd year. The apprentices are not suitable for any other allowances/ benefits.

Bihar Urban Development JE Vacancy 2020 / Govt Jobs in Bihar for 442 Junior Engineer Posts

Bihar Urban Development JE Vacancy 2020

Govt Jobs in Bihar for 442 JE posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Latest Government Jobs in India for Junior Engineer posts under the Bihar Urban Development department. A fresher notification has been published by the Urban Development department in which they are inviting all Indian candidates to apply for the Junior engineer job profile. Latest Govt Jobs for 3 years of diploma holder candidates.

Applicants who have completed their 3 years engineering diploma can apply for this Bihar Urban Development JE Recruitment 2020. Department is going to fill up 442 vacant positions through this employment process. Eligible applicants can fill up the online application related to these Government jobs in India before 07 December 2020. Please go through the full employment news carefully before applying for these JE jobs in Bihar state.  All the important facts related to this Bihar Urban Development recruitment process such as the eligibility criteria, pay ban and How to apply is given below.

Bihar Urban Development JE Vacancy 2020

Basic Detail about this Bihar Urban Development JE Recruitment 2020

Profile Name: Junior Engineer (JE)   

Vacancies: 442 Posts.   

Pay Band: 27000/- (Per Month)


JE Vacancies on the basis of various Discipline  

·       Civil: 358 Posts.

·       Mechanical: 42 Posts.

·       Electrical: 42 Posts.

·       Total: 442 Posts.


Bihar Urban Development JE Eligibility Criteria

Education: 3 Years Diploma in one of the following trade/stream: “Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering” can apply for this Bihar Urban Development recruitment 2020.

Age Bond: Must have age in between 18 to 37 years for Male candidates.

Must have age in between 18 to 40 years for Female applicants as on 01.01.2020


Application Fee: No need to pay any application fee amount for applying these Govt Jobs in Bihar state for JE posts 2020. All fresher candidates can apply without paying the application fee amount.


Process for applying Bihar Urban Development JE Vacancy 2020

All the applicants who are interested in these Govt jobs in Bihar state can apply online through the website . The link for filling up the application form will remain active from 19th Nov. 2020 to 07th Dec. 2020.

Important Dates

19th Nov. 2020 is the Starting Date for Submission Of Online Application.

07th Dec. 2020 is the Last Date for Submission Of Online Application.

Important Links

Notification Here

Apply Online

Indian Coast Guard Recruitment for Navik Entry Posts 2020 / 10th pass Govt Jobs in India

 Indian Coast Guard Navik Entry 2020

10th pass Govt Jobs in India

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Indian Coast Guard recruitment department has been posted a new notification on their official website on 13th Nov. 2020, related to the Navik recruitment process. Due to the Diwali celebration, we are little a bit late in the publication of this employment news. There is a total of 50 vacant positions that are going to be filled up through this Indian Coast Guard recruitment process for Navik posts.

In this Govt Job Portal news, we are going to share brief information related to this Indian coast guard recruitment process. The Indian Coast Guard has announced the vacancy of Navik (Domestic Branch (Cook & Steward)) job profile. Applicants who have passed in their 10th class can apply for this Indian cast guard vacancy 2020.  More information related to these 10th pass Govt Jobs in India is given below in this Sarkari job portal news. You have to read the full information carefully before applying for these Govt Jobs in India.


Basic information for which this recruitment process is taking Place

Profile Name: Navik (Domestic Branch)

Number of Vacancies: 50 Posts.

 Best Courses after 12th Arts

Eligibility Norms for Applying this Indian Coast Guard Recruitment process

Age Bond: The age of the applicants who are wishing to apply is as follow:

·       Minimum Age: 18 Years

·       Maximum Age: 22 Years

Applicants should born between 01st April, 1999 to 31st March, 2003.


Qualification: Applicants should have passed in the 10th Class with minimum 50% marks in aggregate from a well-recognized board of Education recognized by Central/State Government. Best opportunity to grab a Government job in India after 10th class.


Important Dates

30th Nov. 2020 is the Starting Date to Apply Online.

07th Dec. 2020 is the Last Date to Apply Online.

From 19th to 25th Dec. 2020 is the Date to take a print out of the e-Admit card.


Important Links

Notification Here

Apply Online (Link will be live on 30th Nov. 2020)