Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

Govt Jobs in BECIL for 727 Clerk, Attendant and other Posts in India (BECIL Recruitment)

BECIL Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs in India for 727 Various Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Applicants who are looking for the Govt jobs in India after completing their 10th, 12th, Graduation, Engineering, ITI, Diploma, and Post-Graduation can apply for this BECIL vacancy. BECIL Recruitment department is looking to recruit fresher and exp. Candidates for different designations. In this Sarkari Job Portal news, we are going to give you brief Information related to this BECIL career-making opening 2020.

BECIL is well known as Broadcast Engineering Consultant India Ltd. This organization has broadcasted a notice for the employment of Hospital Attendant Grade III, LDC, UDC, Technical Assistant/ Technician & Other posts which we mention below in this employment news. In this BECIL recruitment process news, we are going to explain eligibility criteria, Pay Band, Number of vacancies, and other terms and conditions. Read the complete employment news carefully before applying for any of these BECIL jobs for different designations.


Govt Job in CCI department for 95 Posts of Assistant, Accountant, MT and Other Posts (CCI Recruitment)

CCI Recruitment for Jr. Assistants 2021


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Latest Govt Job in CCI for Jr. Assistant, Management Trainees & other posts. CCI Junior Assistant Notification 2020 is open now. THE CCI ( COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD ) is a public division enterprise under Ministry of Textile, Government of India spreading essential promotion support to the cotton farmers in selling their kapas produce at most viable prices in the numerous market yards in all-cotton rising States through timely intervention – beginning from day one of the kapas arrivals till the end of the season.

For additional consolidation of its core proficiencies, CCI invites job applications on direct employment basis from active, skillful and inspired applicants looking for electrifying professional openings and want to be a part of the CCI growth journey. Interested and eligible applicants related to these jobs in CCI organization can apply for the vacancies ONLINE, through the Cotton Corporation of India website.

CCI Recruitment department is going to fill up 95 vacant positions of Junior Assistant, MT & Various other designations through this employment procedure. Applicants who have completed their B.Com, B.Sc, MBA in related Subjects can apply for this CCI Junior Assistant vacancy 2020. Read the complete news carefully before applying for this CCI Recruitment 2021.

cci recruitment

Latest Punjab Job Alert for 350 Lineman Posts - PSTCL Lineman Recruitment

PSTCL Assistant Lineman Vacancy 2020

Punjab Job Alert for 350 Lineman Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

The brief Information related to the latest Punjab job alert for Assistant Lineman Posts. PSTCL (Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited) has broadcasted a notification for the recruitment of Assistant Lineman posts. PSTCL Recruitment department is inviting all fresher candidates who have completed their ITI course to apply online for these Govt Jobs in Punjab state.

Today in the morning we have already shared the notification related to the PPSC Recruitment for JE posts. Those who have missed out on the news related to the Punjab job alert can click on the following link to know more about the PPSC JE Vacancy 2020.

PSTCL department said that they are going to fill up 350 vacant posts of Lineman through this employment process. Applicants have to fill up the online application form for applying this PSTCL Lineman vacancy 2020. The link for applying will remain active till 31st Dec. 2020. More information related to these Govt Jobs in Punjab state for Lineman posts are given below in this employment news. Read the complete employment news carefully before applying online.


PSTCL Vacancy Information

Designation: Assistant Lineman.

Total Number of Vacancies: 350 Posts.

PSTCL Assistant Lineman Eligibility Criteria

Age Bond: Only those candidates are eligible to apply for these Punjab jobs who satisfied the following age limits:

·       Minimum Age: 18 Years.

·       Maximum Age: 37 Years.

The age of the candidates will be decided on the basis of 1st January 2020.

Education: Candidates who have passed in their 10th class with the Punjabi Language after that they also completed their ITI course in one of the following trade: “ Electrician/Wiremen ” can apply for these Govt jobs in Punjab state 2020.


How much is the application fee applying for this PSTCL Recruitment?

·       Gen. and OBC candidates have to pay Rs.400.

·       SC/EWS Category candidates have to pay Rs.160.

·       PWD candidates need to pay Rs.200.

Payment Mode: Bank Challan through any SBI(State Bank Of India) Branch.


Important Dates

09th Dec. 2020 is the opening Date to fill up the online application.

31st Dec. 2020 is the Closing Date to fill up the online application.

04th Jan. 2021 is the last date to deposited the application fee.


Important Links

Notification Here

Apply Online


Thank you for reading this Punjab job alert related to the Assistant Lineman posts. Do bookmark this website in your browser for regular govt job updates.

Latest Punjab Job Alert for 85 Junior Engineer Posts (PPSC JE Recruitment 2020)

 PPSC JE Recruitment  2020

Punjab Job Alert for Junior Engineer Posts

Shared By: WWW.GovtJobsPortal.IN

Punjab Public Service Commission recruitment department has introduced an official advertisement on their website related to the new Punjab job alert for JE posts. PPSC Notification for the Junior engineer employment has been published officially. Applicants who are looking for the Govt Jobs in Punjab state after completing their 3 years diploma in engineering stream can apply for this PPSC Recruitment process 2020.

Govt Jobs in Punjab

PPSC department is inviting job applications for filling up the 85 vacant posts of Junior Engineer (JE) through this recruitment process. PPSC JE Online application form will remain active till 18 December 2020. In this Sarkari job portal news, we are going to explain the eligibility criteria, PPSC JE salary, selection process and How to apply for this Junior Engineer job opening. Read full news about the Punjab job alert under the PPSC department before applying online.

ppsc notification

Basic detail about this PPSC Recruitment 2020

1). Designation Name: Junior Engineer (Civil)

Number of Vacancies: 81 Posts.

2). Designation Name: Junior Engineer (Mechanical/Electrical)

Vacancies: 04 Posts.

PPSC JE Salary: Rs.35,400 per Month.

Eligibility Norms related to this Punjab Job Alert

Educational Qualification: Applicants having 3 years diploma in Civil/Mechanical/Electrical engineering can apply for this PPSC JE Recruitment process.


Applicants having an Engineering 4 years degree in the Civil/Mechanical/Electrical stream can also apply for these Government Jobs in Punjab state 2020.

Age Bond: Applicants having age in between 18 years to 37 years as on 01st January 2020 can apply for this PPSC Notification.


How much application fee to be paid applying for this PPSC Junior Engineer recruitment?

·       For SC/ST of All-State and Backward Classes of Punjab State: Rs.1125.

·       For Ex-Servicemen of Punjab Only: Rs.500.

·       All other Categories: Rs.3000.

·       For Physically Handicapped Punjab State Only: Rs.1750.

Method of Payment: You can deposit the fee through Bank Challan at any SBI branch.

PPSC JE Selection Process

Punjab Public service commission department is going to conduct a written examination for the selection of the applicants. Those who cleared the written examination will be appointed as a JE under Government of Punjab.

Process for Applying Punjab JE Recruitment 2020

Applicants have to visit the official website of the PPSC Department to fill up the online application related to this Punjab job alert. The link for applying will remain active till 18th Dec. 2020. You can check the following website directly to find the online application form: “”.


Important Dates

18th Dec. 2020 is the last date to fill up the online application.

28th DEC. 2020 is the last Date for depositing the online application fee.


Important Links

Notification Here

Apply Online

Thank you for reading this Punjab job alert, for more information related to the Government Jobs in India continue your visit with Govt Jobs Portal.

UPSC Statistical Officer Recruitment 2020 ( UPSC Notification for 35 Officer Posts)

UPSC Statistical Officer Recruitment 2020

UPSC Notification 2021

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

The recruitment department of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) published a new PDF file on their website related to the Statical officer recruitment process. UPSC conducts various entrance examination on the behalf of Government of India to recruit candidates for different designation under central Government. UPSC used to conduct Statistical Officer examination every year so this year notification is finally out.

UPSC recruitment department is inviting all Indian candidates to apply online for this Statical officer exam 2020. UPSC department is looking to recruit 35 Statistical Officer through this recruitment process. Applicants who have completed their Post-Graduation/Master Degree in the relevant subject are eligible to apply for this UPSC Statical officer exam 2020. Applicants can fill up the online application related to this exam up to 17th Dec. 2020.

More detailed information such as the eligibility criteria, Statical officer salary, and How to apply UPSC Statistical Officer recruitment process is given below in this Sarkari job portal news.  

Major Points about this UPSC Statistical Officer Notification 2020

Designation Name: Statistical Officer (Planning/Statistics)

Number of Vacancies: 35 Posts.

Statistical Officer Salary: Level-6.

Job Type: Regular Basis under the Government of India.

Job Location: Anywhere in India

UPSC Statistical Officer Recruitment 2020  UPSC Notification 2021

Online Jobs for Students

Statistical Officer Vacancies on the basis of Various Category

·       Unreserved Category: 16 Posts.

·       EWS: 03 Posts.

·       OBC: 09 Posts.

·       SC: 05 Posts.

·       ST: 02 Posts.

UPSC Statistical Officer Eligibility Criteria 2020

Educational Qualification: Applicants who have completed their Post-Graduation/Master degree in one of the following subjects: “Statistics / Operational Research / Mathematical Statistics / Applied Statistics or Post Graduate Degree in Economics / Mathematics / Commerce” from a well-recognized university of India are eligible to apply for this UPSC Statistical Officer recruitment 2020.

Age Bond: Applicants who have age less than 30 years as on 17th Dec. 2020 are eligible to apply for this examination.


Application Fee For applying UPSC Statistical Officer Vacancy 2020

Different amount of application fee for different categories are as follow:

·       For UR/OBC/EWS: Rs.25.

·       For SC/ST/PH/Women: No Application fee.

Method of Payment: Applicants can pay the application fee by using the online method such as the Internet Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card/Challan in any branch of SBI.


Process for Applying UPSC Statistical Officer Recruitment 2020

Interested candidates may fill up the online application related to this UPSC notification. The online application form is available on the UPSC official website. We have also shared the official link below under Important link section. The link for applying online will remain active till 17th Dec. 2020.


Important Dates

17th Dec. 2020 is the Last Date to fill up the online application.


Important Links

Notification here

Apply Online