Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

Latest Govt Jobs for 159 Graduate and Diploma Apprentices through AAI Recruitment 2020

AAI Recruitment for Apprentice Posts 2020

Govt Jobs in India 2021

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Latest Govt Jobs in India for Graduate and Diploma Apprenticeship Job Profile under Airport Authority of India. The recruitment department of AAI introduces an apprentice Notification 2020 on their official website. AAI Recruitment department is looking to recruit fresher Graduate and diploma holder candidates for Apprenticeship positions.

There are 159 vacant positions for the Graduate Apprentice, Diploma Apprentice posts which are going to be filled up after the completion of this AAI Recruitment 2020. Applicants who have completed their B.E/B.Tech graduation degree (or) 3 years Diploma in related Subjects can apply online for these Govt Jobs in India.  More information such as the eligibility criteria, AAI Apprenticeship salary, selection process, and How to Apply Airports Authority of India recruitment is given below in this employment news. Read the full news carefully before applying for this recruitment process.

Basic Detail about this AAI Apprentice Recruitment 2020

1). Profile Name: Graduate Apprentice.

Vacancies: 86 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.15,000 per month.


2). Profile Name: Diploma Apprentice.

Vacancies: 73 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.12,000 per Month.

Total Number Vacancies: 159 Posts.



BARC Junior Research Fellowship Vacancy 2020 (BARC Recruitment for 105 Jr. Research Fellow)

BARC Jr Research Fellow Recruitment 2021

Govt Jobs for 105 Junior Research Fellowship

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Bhabha Atomic Research centre is looking to recruit fresher candidates for 105 vacant positions of Junior Research Fellowship. In this Sarkari Jobs Portal, we are going to give you brief Information about this BARC Recruitment process 2020. BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) organization has published an employment notification for the recruitment of Junior research fellowship posts under Physics, Chemistry, and Life Science subjects.

Those Applicants who are concerned related to this BARC vacancy and want to about the complete eligibility criteria must read the full employment news carefully before applying.


Basic Information about this BARC Vacancy 2020

Profile Name: Jr. Research Fellow.

Number of Vacancies: 105 Posts.


BARC Recruitment Eligibility Criteria 2020

Age Bond: Applicants must have age less than 28 years as on the basis of the following Date: “15th Jan. 2020”.


Education: Applicants who have scored minimum of 60% aggregate marks in B.Sc. and 55% Marks in MSC in Physics, Chemistry or Life Sciences can apply for this BARC Recruitment 2020. Applicants should also have UGC-CSIR-NET/ JEST/ ICMR-JRF Test, ICAR-JRF Test/ DBT-JRB Biotechnology Eligibility Test or GATE Score 2019/2020.


BARC Jr. Fellow Recruitment Application Fee

·       SC/ST/PWD/Women Candidates have to pay Rs.0.

·       All Other Category Candidates have to pay Rs.500.

Method of Payment: You have to choose one of the following online method for the payment of the application fee: “Credit/Debit Card, Internet Banking”.



Important Dates

18th Dec. 2020 is the Starting Date to apply.

15th Jan. 2020 is the Last Date to apply.


Important links

Notification Here

Apply Online (Link will Live on 18th Dec. 2020)


Thank you for reading this Govt Job update related to the BARC Recruitment 2020. For more information related to the Govt Jobs in India do visit the Govt Job Portal website regularly.


Govt Jobs in India for 501 Coordinator and Other Posts (NIRD recruitment 2020)

NIRD recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs in India for 501 Coordinator and Other Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj is looking to recruit fresher candidates for different designations. NIRD recruitment department published a Notification on their website in PDF format related to these Govt jobs in Telangana state. There are a total of 501 vacant positions for the Young fellow, Programme Coordinator, and Cluster Level Resource person which are going to be filled up through this employment the process by NIRD department.

NIRD Recruitment department is inviting application form from fresher candidates to apply online for this recruitment process. Those who have completed their 12th Class, Diploma, and post-graduation degree can apply for this NIRD Young Fellow recruitment 2020. You can apply online before 29 December 2020. Below in this Sarkari Job Portal news, we are going to explain the eligibility criteria, salary, selection process, and How to apply for this NIRD vacancy 2020. Before applying read the full news carefully.


NIRD recruitment 2020

Basic Information about this NIRD Young Fellow vacancy 2020

1). Profile: State Programme Coordinator.

Number of Vacancies: 10 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.55,000.


2). Profile:  Young Fellow.

Number of Vacancies: 250 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.35,000.


3). Profile: Cluster Level Resource Person.

Vacancies: 250 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.12,500.

Total Number of Vacancies: 510 Posts.

Career options After 12th Science

Career Options After 12th Arts

Jobs in Bank of India for Security Officers and Fire Officers (BOI Recruitment)

Bank of India Vacancy 2020

BOI Recruitment for Security Officer 2020

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Bank of India vacancy for Security Officer and Fire Officer posts. Latest Govt job Notification has shared by Bank of India on their official website in PDF format. We are going to explain this BOI recruitment news on the basis of that PDF file information.  BOI recruitment department is inviting the latest job application for 21 Security Officers & Fire Officer posts. Applicants who have completed their Graduation degree (or) Engineering degree can apply for this BOI Security Officer and Fire officer vacancy 2020.

Online application related to this Bank of India recruitment process will be accepted before 21st December 2020. To know more about the eligibility standards, pay band, and How to apply for this Bank of India recruitment process, read the full news. 

boi recruitment

Govt Jobs in India for 25 Assistant Commandant ( Indian Coast Guard AC Recruitment)

Indian Coast Guard Recruitment

Assistant Commandant Notification 2020

Shared By: Govt Job portal

Latest Govt Jobs in India for the candidates who have completed their Graduation. Indian Coast Guard recruitment department is going to recruit fresher candidates for Assistant Commandant job profile. The Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union, offers an inspiring profession to young and active Indian male applicants for General Duty branch as an Assistant Commandant (Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer).

Indian Coast Guard invites ‘online’ job application forms for the SC, ST, and OBC category only. Indian Coast Guard AC Notification 2020 is open now for selected cast category candidates. Indian Coast Guard is looking to fill up 25 Assistant Commandant (GD) vacant positions. Applicants can apply for this Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant recruitment process before 27 December 2020. To know more about the eligibility criteria, pay scale, and How to apply for this recruitment process read the complete employment news carefully before applying.


Indian Coast Guard Recruitment

Basic Information about this Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2020

Designation: Assistant Commandant.

Number of Vacancies: 25 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.56,100 (Pay Level-10).

Online Jobs for Students

Different Eligibility Norms related to this Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2020

Educational Requirement: Any graduation degree with minimum 60% marks and must have Mathematics and Physics subject up to 12th class can apply for this Indian Coast Guard AC Recruitment 2020.

Age Bond: Applicants who born in between 1st July 1996 to 30th June 2000 (both dates and included) can apply for these Govt Jobs in India.

Gender: Only Male candidates from SC/ST and OBC category can apply.

Branch: General Duty.


Additional Eligibility Criteria:

(a) While shortlisting candidates for the call-up, priority will be given to the applicants with a higher percentage of marks in the Graduation degree.

(b) Only applicants pass out in their final year/ final semester of the Graduation exams and completed their degrees are to apply.

(c) Applicants withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from any other service training academy are not eligible to appear.

(d) Applicants should not have been arrested, convicted, or prosecuted on criminal charges.


Application Fee

There is no need to pay any application fee amount for applying to this Indian Coast Guard recruitment process. All eligible applicants can apply online without paying any application fee amount.


Important Dates

21st Dec. 2020 is the Opening Date to fill up the online application.

27th Dec. 2020 is the last date to fill up the online application.


Important Links

Notification Here

Apply Online (Link will be Live on 21st Dec. 2020)


Bookmark this page in your browser and come again on 21st Dec. 2020 to see the updates link for applying online. We will update the link for applying on 21st Dec. 2020. For more information related to the Govt Jobs in India continue your visits with Govt Job Portal.