Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

Govt Jobs for 358 Navik, Yantrik Posts ( Indian Coast Guard Notification 2021 )

Indian Coast Guard Notification 2021

Govt Jobs for 358 Navik, Yantrik Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Indian Coast Guard recruitment department has published a new notification related to the recruitment of Navik and Yantrik posts. Indian Coast Guard department is inviting all fresher candidates to fill up the online application related to this recruitment procedure. The department is going to recruit 358 Navik (General Duty), Navik (Domestic Branch), and Yantrik posts through this Indian Coast Guard recruitment 2021.

Applicants who have passed in their 10th, 12th class from a well-recognized educational board of India can apply for this Indian coast guard Navik recruitment 2021.   You have to fill up the online application process related to these Govt jobs in India before 19th January 2021. In this Sarkari Job Portal news, we are going to explain about the eligibility criteria, salary, selection process and How to apply for this Indian Coast Guard Navik, Yantrik recruitment process 2020.

Basic Information about this Indian Coast Guard Navik Recruitment 2021

1). Job Profile: Navik (General Duty).

Vacancies: 260 Posts.

2). Job Profile: Navik (Domestic Branch).

Vacancies: 50 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.21,700 (Pay Level-3).

3). Job Profile: Yantrik.

Vacancies: 48 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.29,200 (Pay Level-5).

Total Number of Vacancies: 358 Posts.

Indian Coast Guard Notification 2021

Bank of Baroda Recruitment for Security Officer and Fire Officers in India (Bank Jobs)

Bank of Baroda Recruitment

BOB Security Officer Recruitment 2021

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

BOB (Bank of Baroda) is looking to recruit fresher candidates for Security Officer and Fire officer posts. Bank of Baroda recruitment department published a notification on their webpage related to this BOB Vacancy 2020. Bank announces that there are 32 vacant positions for the security officer and Fire Officer which are going to be filled up through this BOB Security Officer recruitment process.

More information related to this BOB recruitment process for officer posts such as the eligibility criteria, pay band, and how to apply for BOB Security Officer recruitment 2021 is given below in this employment news. Read the full employment news carefully before applying for this Bank of Baroda recruitment process 2020.

Bank of Baroda Recruitment

Basic detail about this BOB Security Officer vacancy 2021

1). Designation: Security Officer.

The number of Vacant Positions: 27 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.71,000 per Month.

2). Designation: Fire Officer.

Vacancies: 05 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.88,000 per Month.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for Applying BOB Recruitment 2021?

Educational Qualification

Age Bond

For Security Officers: Applicants who have completed their Graduation degree in any Discipline from Recognized University / Institute can apply for the Security officer job profile.

Experience: An Officer not below the rank of Captain of Indian Army or equivalent rank in Indian Navy / Air Force, with a minimum of 5 years of commissioned service.


An Officer not below the rank of Asstt. Superintendent / Deputy Superintendent / Asstt. Commandant / Deputy Commandant of Indian Police / Para Military Forces with a minimum of 5 years’ service as an Officer in such Force

Applicant age must be in between 25 years to 40 years.

For Fire Officers: Applicants who have completed their BE/B.Tech degree in Fire Technology from National Fire Service College (NFSC), Nagpur.


Applicants who have completed their B.Tech (Safety & Fire Engineering) from recognized university (AICTE) can apply.


B.Tech (Fire Technology & Safety Engineering) from a recognized university (AICTE).


Graduate from Institute of Fire Engineers (India / UK) OR Completed Station Officers Course from National Fire Service College (NFSC) Nagpur.

Only those candidates are eligible to apply for this BOB recruitment process who have age between 23 to 35 years.

Note: The candidate Age will be calculated on the basis of the following date: “15.12.2020”

How much is the application fee for applying for this BOB Recruitment?

The application fee for applying for these bank jobs is different for various cast candidates. The application fee for different categories are as follow:

·       For Unreserved/EWS/OBC: Rs.600.

·       For SC/ST/PWD: Rs.100.

Method of Payment: The application fee to be paid by using one of these online methods: “ Credit card, Debit card, and Internet banking”. You can use any of these modes for the payment of the application fee amount.

Important Date related to this BOB Security Officer Employment process

18th Dec. 2020 is the starting date to fill up the online application.

08th Jan. 2021 is the Last date to fill up the online application.

Important Links

Notification Here

Apply Online for Security Officer

Apply Online for Fire Officer

What is the selection process related to this BOB Recruitment?

The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of the following rounds:

·       Personal Interview round.

And (Or)

·       Group Discussion.

Maybe a bank is going to conduct both rounds for the election of the candidates.

Thank you for reading this Sarkari Job Portal news related to the Bank of Baroda recruitment process. For more information related to the Government Jobs in India, candidates can visit to our website on regular basis.

Indian Navy SSC Officer Recruitment 2021 ( Govt Jobs in India for 210 Officer Posts)

Indian Navy SSC Officer Recruitment 2021

Govt Jobs in India for 210 Officer Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Indian Navy is going to recruit fresher engineering Graduates and Master Graduate candidates in the different stream for Short Service Commission Officer posts. In this Sarkari Job Portal news, we are going to provide you brief Information related to this Indian Navy recruitment process of 2020. For applicants who are wishing to serve the Indian nation than this is the best opportunity to grab a Government job to serve your nation in the best way.  

Indian Navy has published a statement in PDF format on their website related to this recruitment of Short Service Commission Officer for Various Entries. This course for Indian Navy SSC officers will start from June 2021 (AT 21). More information related to these Govt jobs in India under the Indian navy is given below in this employment news. Read the complete news carefully to know about the eligibility criteria, Salary, selection process, and how to apply for this recruitment process.

Basic Information about this Indian Navy SSC Officer Recruitment

Designation: Short Service Commission Officer.

Vacancies: 210 Posts. 

Indian Navy SSC Officer Recruitment

NDA Preparation Tips For 12th Class Student

 NDA Preparation Tips For 12th Class Student

The majority of Indian Parents have the dream of sending their children to National Defence Services. The early you run towards your goal, the chances are of great success. Union Public Service Commission conducts the NDA exam twice a year.

The selected candidates get a chance to appear and render their services. The NDA syllabus is descriptive and tough and the exam consists of a written test and SSB interview. To be a part of the NDA, the candidate has to clear both the exams.

The competition is huge and tough and requires preparation from an early stage. The students are advised to prepare themselves from the 10th or 12th standard. After clearing the NDA exam, the candidate has a myriad of opportunities for pursuing their career. They can take admission in Army, Navy,  Air Force, Indian Naval Academy.

govt job portal

We have streamlined a few tips for the student preparing for NDA


1.    Focus on Mathematics

Mathematics for some candidates is exciting and for some, it’s a Phobia. To clear mathematics with a good score is all about having a stronghold on basics. The subjects hold more importance and the exam is of 300 marks.

The NDA Mathematics paper has the contents of the 12th class. It consists of Algebra, Vector, Integral Calculus, Trigonometry, Matrices and Determinants, Analytical Geometry, Statistics, and Probability.

2.    Focus on General Ability Test

The General things are of utmost importance and help you clear the examination. Candidates should be aware of the surroundings and devote their time to knowing valuable information. GAT exam requires focusing on subjects like English, Physics, Chemistry, Sports, and Current Affairs.

To work on English, it is required to invest your time in reading newspapers, magazines, watching TV series, and movies. These things build up your vocabulary, improves your pronunciation, and adds more knowledge.

The current Affairs can be more known when you surround yourselves with knowledge, and practical. The current affairs books are available for candidates who have missed various life events. These books are an excellent source of information.

Read and solve more previous year question papers before the  NDA Admit card arrives. The candidates tend to panic as the date arrives near. It is advisable to prepare yourself prior rather than rushing at the later stage.

3.    Medical Examination

Candidates applying for NDA should be physically or mentally fit to apply for the examination described by UPSC. Before applying for an NDA exam, the candidate must examine themselves to avoid getting disqualified after clearing both written or interview.

The medical examination provides a detailed overview of the situation and helps in eliminating the defects. The candidate can move faster towards the recovery of any medical condition and make its way back to National Defence Services.

To remain physically fit the candidate has to be consistent with a workout, and eating a balanced diet. The more you put the focus on self-care and invest in better things. The NDA results will come out in a better way.

      Interview Tips

After clarifying the written exam, the candidate has to appear in an SSB interview. The interview consists of two tests such as Psychological Aptitude Test, and the Intelligence Test. 

To qualify for the interviews, candidates have to focus on developing the personality. The over-all development shows the capabilities of an officer. Students should apply for these tests from an early age to get the desired results.

PPSC Naib Tehsildar Recruitment 2020 (78 Naib Tehsildar Vacancy in Punjab )

 PPSC Naib Tehsildar Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs in Punjab for 78 Naib Tehsildar Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

PPSC Punjab Naib Tehsildar Recruitment 2020 is officially out on 18th Dec. 2020. In this Sarkari Job Portal news, we are going to explain about this PPSC Recruitment process in detail. Indian applicants who are looking for the Govt jobs in Punjab state can apply online for this Naib Tehsildar recruitment process. The PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission) invites Online Application Forms from qualified applicants for employment to the 78 posts of Naib Tehsildar in the Department of Revenue & Rehabilitation, Government of Punjab. Applicants who are preparing for the PPSC Naib Tehsildar vacancy can apply online through Punjab Public service commission website. The link for applying online will remain active on 8th January 2021.

AAA-Bright Academy is providing a complete video course related to the PPSC Naib Tehsildar examination along with full study material. Applicants can install the “AAA Bright Academy” Android application from the Google play store.

Steps to get PPSC Naib Tehsildar Video Course with Full Study Notes:

1.    Install AAA-Bright Academy app from Google Play Store.

2.    Register on the application with your Mobile Number and Correct mail ID.

3.    After Registration on the Application, on the HOME page of the App, you have to click on the “PAID Courses”.

4.    Choose the NAIB TEHSILDAR Course.

5.    When you click on BUY Now, you will saw the option “Have a Promo Code”. Click on the link and Enter the promo code: “GovtJobsPortal” to avail 10% discount.

Use the Promo Code to get a 10% discount on the AAA Bright Academy Video course: “Govtjobsportal”


PPSC Naib Tehsildar Recruitment 2020

Basic Information about this PPSC NAIB Tehsildar Recruitment

Profile Name: Naib Tehsildar.

Vacancies: 78 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.35,400 per Month (Initial Pay after appointment).


Naib Tehsildar Punjab Eligibility Criteria 2020

Education: Applicants who have completed their Graduation degree in any stream can apply for this PPSC Recruitment process 2020.

Note: Applicants must have the Punjabi language in 10th class for applying this vacancy.


Age Bond: Must have age in between following age limit:

·       Minimum Age: 18 Years.

·       Maximum Age: 37 Years.

Note: The age of the applicant will be calculated on the basis of the following date: “01st Jan. 2021”.


Application fee for Applying

·       For SC/ST and all Other Backward Classes of Punjab State: Rs.1125.

·       Ex-Serviceman of Punjab State: Rs.500.

·       All Other Categories: Rs.3000.

·       Physically Handicapped candidates of Punjab State: Rs.1750.

Note: Application fee MUST be submitted through any Branch of State Bank of India only. Candidate should carefully fill the details in the Online Application Form and click on the "SUBMIT" button at the end of the Online Application Format. Before pressing the "SUBMIT" Button, candidates are advised to verify every detail filled in the application. After submitting the online application form, the candidate should take a printout of the system generated Bank challan. No Change/Edit will be allowed after Submitting the Application Form. The application fee is non-refundable.


Important Dates

8th January 2021 is the Last date to fill up the online application.

15th January 2021 is the last date to pay the application fee.


Important Links

Notification here

Apply Online (Link will remain active till 8th Jan. 2021).


Thank you for reading this Naib Tehsildar recruitment 2020. For more information related to the Govt Jobs in India continue your visit with the Sarkari job Portal.