NDA Preparation Tips For
12th Class Student
The majority of Indian Parents have the dream of
sending their children to National Defence Services. The early you run towards
your goal, the chances are of great success. Union Public Service Commission
conducts the NDA exam twice a year.
The selected candidates get a chance to appear and
render their services. The NDA syllabus is descriptive and tough and the exam consists
of a written test and SSB interview. To be a part of the NDA, the candidate has to
clear both the exams.
The competition is huge and tough and requires
preparation from an early stage. The students are advised to prepare themselves
from the 10th or 12th standard. After clearing the NDA exam, the candidate has
a myriad of opportunities for pursuing their career. They can take admission in
Army, Navy, Air Force, Indian Naval
We have streamlined a few tips for the student
preparing for NDA
1. Focus on Mathematics
Mathematics for some candidates is exciting and
for some, it’s a Phobia. To clear mathematics with a good score is all about
having a stronghold on basics. The subjects hold more importance and the exam
is of 300 marks.
The NDA Mathematics paper has the contents of
the 12th class. It consists of Algebra, Vector, Integral Calculus,
Trigonometry, Matrices and Determinants, Analytical Geometry, Statistics, and
2. Focus on General Ability Test
The General things are of utmost importance and
help you clear the examination. Candidates should be aware of the surroundings
and devote their time to knowing valuable information. GAT exam requires
focusing on subjects like English, Physics, Chemistry, Sports, and Current
To work on English, it is required to invest
your time in reading newspapers, magazines, watching TV series, and movies.
These things build up your vocabulary, improves your pronunciation, and adds
more knowledge.
The current Affairs can be more known when you
surround yourselves with knowledge, and practical. The current affairs books
are available for candidates who have missed various life events. These books
are an excellent source of information.
Read and solve more previous year question
papers before the NDA Admit card arrives. The candidates tend to panic as the
date arrives near. It is advisable to prepare yourself prior rather than
rushing at the later stage.
3. Medical Examination
Candidates applying for NDA should be
physically or mentally fit to apply for the examination described by UPSC.
Before applying for an NDA exam, the candidate must examine themselves to avoid
getting disqualified after clearing both written or interview.
The medical examination provides a detailed
overview of the situation and helps in eliminating the defects. The candidate
can move faster towards the recovery of any medical condition and make its way
back to National Defence Services.
To remain physically fit the candidate has to
be consistent with a workout, and eating a balanced diet. The more you put the
focus on self-care and invest in better things. The NDA results will come out
in a better way.
● Interview Tips
After clarifying the written exam, the
candidate has to appear in an SSB interview. The interview consists of two
tests such as Psychological Aptitude Test, and the Intelligence Test.
To qualify for the interviews, candidates have
to focus on developing the personality. The over-all development shows the
capabilities of an officer. Students should apply for these tests from an early
age to get the desired results.