Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India

BEL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 (Govt Jobs for 305 Apprentice Posts)

 BEL Apprentice Recruitment 2021

Govt Jobs for 305 Apprentice Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

A brief information about BEL Apprentice recruitment process 2021. BEL (Bharat Electronics Limited) has given an announcement for the employment of Technician (Diploma) Trainee positions for the applicants addressing from Karnataka State. Those Applicants who are concerned in this BEL vacancy can apply online for these engineering jobs in India 2021. More details & complete all suitability standards related to this BEL recruitment process is given below in this employment news. Read the complete news carefully before applying for these engineering jobs in India. 

BEL Apprentice Recruitment 2021

Basic Detail about this BEL Recruitment process 2020

Job Profile: Technician.

Vacancies: 305 Posts.

WBBPE Recruitment 2021 ( 16,500 Primary School Teacher Posts in West Bengal )

WBBPE Recruitment 2021

Primary School Teacher Notification

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

WBBPE stands for West Bengal Board Of Primary Education. WBBPE Recruitment department is going to recruit for Primary School posts throughout the West Bengal state. WBBPE Primary Teacher Notification 2021 has been published on the official website of the department in PDF format. West Bengal Board of Primary education is inviting all eligible applicants to apply online for this WBBPE Primary teacher recruitment process 2021. There are 16500 vacant positions of Primary School Teacher which are going to be filled up after the completion of this employment process.

Applicants who have cleared the TET examination are eligible to apply for this WBBPE Primary School Teacher job 2021. The job application can be filled  online before 06 January 2021. More information such as the educational qualification, age bond, pay band and How to apply for this West Bengal Board Of Primary Education recruitment process is given below in this employment news. Read the complete employment news carefully before applying online for these Government jobs in West Bengal state 2021.

WBBPE Recruitment 2021

Basic Details about WBBPE Primary School Teacher Vacancy 2021

Designation: Primary School Teacher.

Number of Vacancies: 16,500 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.28,900 per month.

What are the Eligibility Criteria applying for this WBBPE Primary School Teacher job?

Educational Requirement: Applicants shall hold the minimum educational and training qualification as prescribed by the national council for teacher education prevailing as on date of publication of recruitment notification and must Pass in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) 2014.

Age Bond: Must have age in between 18 years to 40 years applying for these Govt Jobs in West Bengal state.

How much application Fee applying for WBBPE Primary School Teacher Notification?

·       For SC/ST/PH candidates: Rs.0.

·       For all other categories: Rs.200.

Method of Payment: You can pay the application fee using the online method such as credit card, debit card, and internet banking.

How to Apply for Primary School Teacher Jobs in WB 2021?

Applicants have to fill up the online application form which is available on the official website of the department. The link for applying is currently active and candidates can fill up the online application up to 06th January 2021. There is no other way to apply for these Government jobs in West Bengal state as a Primary School teacher posts.

WBBPE Primary School Teacher Notification DATES

23RD Dec. 2020 is the Starting date to fill up the online application.

06th January 2021 is the last date for applying online.

Aptitude and Interview round will take place between 10th to 17th January 2021.


Important Links

Notification Here

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Qatar Airways Career Making Opportunity (Qatar Airway Cabin Crew Requirements )

Various Careers Making opportunity in Qatar Airways

In this Govt Job Portal News, we are going to discuss the various career-making opportunity in Qatar Airways. This is not a piece of employment news. In this article, we are going to give you a little bit of guidance about the career-making opportunity in Qatar Airways. First of all we will discuss the Qatar Airways Cabin Crew Requirements in this article after that, we will discuss the process for applying, benefits, and basic requirement for applying.

Why you should start your career with Qatar Airway?

Introduction about Qatar Airways: Qatar Airways is currently flying between more than 150 destinations all over the world. Qatar Airway is an award-winning airline that has won Skytrax’s ‘Airline of the Year’ title four times, most recently in 2017.

Qatar Airway Base: The Qatar Airway Headquarter is in Hamad International Airport, in Doha, State of Qatar.

Careers Making opportunity in Qatar Airways

ECGC PO Notification 2021 Full Detail ( Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Probationary Officer Vacancy )

ECGC PO Notification 2021

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

ECGC is stands for Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India. ECGC Probationary Officer notification 2021 has been published on the official website of the department. 

ECGC PO Recruitment Announcement: The Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India is an organization completely owned by the Government of India. The ECGC organization provides export credit insurance support to Indian exporters. The organization is regulated by the Indian Ministry of Commerce.

ECGC has notified that a total of 59 vacant positions of various posts has been filled through this employment process. The Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India is going to conduct an online examination for the selection of the fresher candidates. 

The online examination for ECHC PO posts will be conducted at 20 different exam centers all over India.

The online ECGC PO Exam 2021 will be conducted in the following cities in India: “Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Indore, Nagpur, Kolkata, Varanasi, Bhubaneshwar, Raipur, Guwahati, Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Kochi, Hyderabad, Vizag, Delhi, Chandigarh, Kanpur, and Jaipur”.

Applicants who will be nominated in the online examination will be called for an interview round. The interview round related to the ECGC PO posts will be conducted in Mumbai city. The interview round will be conducted by the in-house panel of the Company only.

Here, in this employment news, we are providing you all the specifics information related to this ECGC PO Recruitment 2021. This employment news will contain the information related to the ECGC PO Important Exam dates, Number of Vacancies, ECGC PO Eligibility, selection process, exam pattern, ECGC PO application fees, and pay-scale in detail below. Read the full employment news carefully before applying for the ECGC Probationary officer vacancy 2021.

ECGC PO Notification 2021

Basic Information Related to this ECGC PO 2021 Vacancy

Designation: Probationary Officer.

Number of Vacancies: 59 Posts.

ECGC PO 2021 Pay: Rs. 32795-1610(14)-55335-1745(4)-62315.

The Probationary officers are also fit for the allowances and benefits like DA(Dearness Allowance), HRA(House Rent Allowance / House Lease Reimbursement), TA(Transport Allowance), Medical Allowance, Newspaper Allowance, Meal coupons, Reimbursement of Mobile Bills, Mobile Handset & Briefcase Allowance, Furniture Allowance, Household help Allowance, etc.

Online Jobs for Students

ECGC PO 2021 Eligibility Criteria:

Citizenship: All Indian candidates can apply for these Govt Jobs in India.

Education: Applicants who have completed their Graduation degree in any stream can apply for this ECGC Probationary Officer recruitment 2021.

Age Bond (as of 01/01/2021):

The minimum Age of Applicants must be 21 years.

The maximum age up to which candidates can apply is 30 years.

That is the applicant must have been born not earlier than 02nd Jan. 1991 and not later than 01st Jan. 2000 (both the dates inclusive)


How much is the ECGC 2021 Application Fees for applying?

The application fees for applying ECGC PO 2021 notification candidates have to pay the following application fee amount:

·       For the SC/ST/PWD cast candidates application fee will be Rs. 125/-.

·       For remaining all other Casts the application fee will be Rs. 700 /-.

Method of Payment: Online method such as Credit card, Debit card and internet banking is available for the payment of the application fee.


How to Apply Online?

Applicants who satisfied all the eligibility conditions which we have mentioned above in this news can apply online using the ECGC official website. The link for applying online will be active on 1st January 2021 and this link will remain active till 31st January 2021. The steps which you have to follow for applying ECGC PO Vacancy 2021 are as follow:

1.   First of all open the ECGC official website on your desktop/laptop and open the link “CAREER WITH ECGC” on the home page of the website.

2.   When you click on the above link you have to choose the option “CURRENT OPENINGS” and then click on “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE”.

3.   Select the option for “NEW REGISTRATION” and register yourself using a valid email id & phone number.

4.   Fill up the complete online application form with the mandatory details of yours and upload the scanned copy of the photograph and signature, thumb impression, and handwritten declaration.

5.   After the 4th step you have to proceed now for final payment and click on the SUBMIT button.

6.   One should take out the print out of the application form for future purposes.


ECGC PO Exam Pattern 2021:

On the basis of the ECGC 2021 notification, the ECGC PO exam will be conducted in two phases. The two phases of the selections are as follow:

1.   The online Written Test (Objective & Descriptive)

2.   Interview Round

To grab the Probationary Officer job profile candidate must succeed in both stages of the selection.


Objective Test Exam Pattern:

The table will display the comprehensive Objective exam pattern for ECGC PO exam 2021. There will be negative marking in the written examination.


Max Marks


Reasoning Ability (50 Questions)


40 min.

English Language (40 Questions)


30 min.

Computer Knowledge (20 Questions)


10 min.

General Awareness (40 Questions)


20 min.

Quantitative Aptitude (50 Questions)


40 min.

Total Question (200)


140 min.


ECGC PO 2021 Description Paper Exam Pattern:



Time allotted

Essay Writing


For descriptive test 40 minutes will be allowed for both questions together.

Precise Writing



Important Dates Related to the ECGC PO 2021  (Tentative)

Online Registration start Date: 01st Jan. 2021

End Date for Filling up Online Application: 31ST Jan. 2021.

Online Examination Date: 14 March 2021.

ECGC PO Interview Dates: April 2021.

Important Links

Notification Here

Apply Online

Thank you for reading this Employment news related to the ECGC PO Notification 2021. If you have any questions related to the ECGC PO Recruitment 2021 notification please comment below in the comment box. For more Govt job updates continue your visit with Sarkari Job Portal.

VYAPAM Vacancy for 4000 Posts (MPPEB Police Constable Recruitment 2021)

MPPEB Police Constable Recruitment 2021

VYAPAM Vacancy for 4000 Constables

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Latest Government Jobs in MP for constable posts under the Police department. Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board is going to conduct an examination for the selection of the candidates for the Police constable job profile. MPPEB Recruitment the department has published a notification on its website related to this employment opportunity.

On the basis of the official PDF file, we are going to share with you descriptive information related to these Govt Jobs in MP state 2021.  MPPEB Recruitment department is going to fill up 4000 vacant positions of Constable GD & Constable Radio posts. Candidates who have passed their 10th, 12th class can apply for these Government jobs in MP state. The online job applications related to this MPPEB Constable vacancy 2021 will be accepted till 14 January 2021. To know more about this VYAPAM Vacancy 2021 read the full employment news carefully. We are going to explain every term and conditions related to this notification.

MPPEB Police Constable Recruitment 2021

MPPEB Constable Vacancy Basic information

1). Designation: Constable General Duty (GD).

Vacancies: 3862 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.19,500 – Rs.62,000 per month.


2). Designation: Constable Radio.

Vacancies: 138 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.195,00 – Rs.62,000.

Total Number of Vacancies of Constable: 4000 Posts.